Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill Moss, Assistant SecretaryOct 7, 2015 Aging and Long-Term Support, Administration Background Group Topic / Strategic Plan Goal / Commitment 2: Promote access to a variety of home and community-based service options Sub Topic / Strategic Objective: Support families and informal caregivers who provide unpaid support to those in need. Measure # / Strategic Objective # : AAH.6 or 2.4 Measure Title: Percentage of caregivers whose care receiver remained without paid Medicaid LTC services (90 days or longer) ID#Problem to be solvedStrategy/Approach Task(s) to support strategyLeadStatusDueExpected OutcomePartners 2.4.1Limited number of available TCARE Assessor staff trainings Develop more frequent access to TCARE Assessor training utilizing new e-learning format (which includes one-day, on-site training). Train TCARE Master Trainers to teach one-day revised curriculum. Incorporate Washington State’s TCARE Certification test online to speed up process for trainers Leigh Wellcome Dana Allard-Webb On track 6/30/2016Family caregivers will have greater access to trained, certified TCARE staff to receive assessment TCARE assessment translations are currently limited to two languages. Provide TCARE assessment in more languages Determine most non- English languages spoken by caregivers who request Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) services Contract with translation services to translate TCARE Assessment into more languages Provide translations of the TCARE screening in a minimum of three languages Hilarie Hauptman Dana Allard-Webb On track6/30/2016 More caregivers who are limited English speaking will have greater access to TCARE translated assessments to help obtain FCSP services Limited funding to meet the support needs of unpaid caregivers in our state. Explore opportunities for federal matching funds. Explore with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and State's Health Care Authority as part of 1115 waiver development. Bea Rector On track6/30/2016 More caregivers would have access to supports. HCA, CMS Re-approach state legislature with funding request to expand the FCSP. Submit pre-Medicaid decision package. Susan Engels Complete Proposed Action Type of Status Report Strategic Plan SO 2.4 FCSP Last modified 10/07/2015 1
Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill Moss, Assistant SecretaryOct 7, 2015 Aging and Long-Term Support, Administration Background Group Topic / Strategic Plan Goal / Commitment 2: Promote access to a variety of home and community-based service options Sub Topic / Strategic Objective: Support families and informal caregivers who provide unpaid support to those in need. Measure # / Strategic Objective # : AAH.6 or 2.4 Measure Title: Percentage of caregivers whose care receiver remained without paid Medicaid LTC services (90 days or longer) ID#Problem to be solvedStrategy/Approach Task(s) to support strategyLeadStatusDueExpected OutcomePartners Provide a greater menu of service options to meet particular needs of caregivers for them to continue caregiving. Expand and sustain evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions. Hold two statewide class leader trainings for Powerful Tools for Caregivers. Hilarie Hauptman On track6/30/2016 More proven intervention models available to caregivers Outdated policies that need to be updated and recorded into one document. Disseminate the new FCSP policies and procedures. Develop and publish a LTC manual FCSP chapter Hilarie Hauptman Leigh Wellcome Complete9/30/2015 Consistent application of procedures and service delivery by AAA staff Provide technical assistance to the AAA FCSP staff Hilarie Hauptman Leigh Wellcome On track 6/30/2016 Proposed Action Type of Status Report Strategic Plan SO 2.4 FCSP Last modified 10/7/2015 2