December 2011 n 4ce Quick Start Guide Confirm DBX and Select Format (FTR) file. Choose GSI format including Pre/Post Coding and other system formats. If you are using a Viva Controller with Images, use the N4ceImageEXP April 2010.FRT file to download the images. These images must be copied from the controller onto your PC in the same location as you save your Project. Right click over Observations or Coordinates and select Leica 1200 (DBX). Navigate and select a XCF from your data card. Importing Leica Data If you are using one of Leica’s older instruments, there are.FTR files that convert instrument databases into a.GSI file format, with AiC Operation Codes.
December 2011 n 4ce Quick Start Guide After importing your survey observations, these will appear on the Project Tree with a main heading, which is the job name, followed by sub-headings identifying instrument setups. Clicking on an instrument setup will present the observations in a spreadsheet type display. Highlighting and right clicking on any row/column in this display will present an edit menu. Control readings are shown in bright yellow with a point number of -99 for occupied points or -88 for bearings (no distance reading). These readings are used in adjustment/reduction calculations, which results in coordinates being found. Once established these coordinates can be viewed graphically by selecting the camera icon. If you click on the main heading the list of station setups will be displayed. Station detail shown here can only be edited by right clicking on the station and selecting Properties. Items shown with a grey background are linked to something else and cannot be edited directly. Viewing Data On Project Tree
December 2011 n 4ce Quick Start Guide After selecting a folder off the project tree, anything contained below that folder can be viewed in graphics. This will be in a Quick view display. Query options are available by selecting the question marks “?” icons. The Query Point icon is a mini editor allowing you to change attributes of a point. This is also provides a short cut to the code for this point. The Query Feature icon displays all the points along a feature and can also act as a mini editor. A profile of the feature is also displayed. The display options follow the chequered flag icon. The icons with “T” control the display of text, whilst the triangles are for displaying control. To carry the process further you have to make a model. This is where you can edit your data graphically and create a DTM, which leads to sections and volumes. See later… Viewing Data Graphically
December 2011 n 4ce Quick Start Guide Importing Coordinate Data Coordinates data (GPS) can be brought straight into a Model. There are two options here, either from predefined formats including MX GENIO, or from a CSV file. Since there are various CSV formats we will have provided tools to create your own CSV file filter. After choosing the Import CSV option you need to navigate to where your CSV file is stored and then select it. A preview of the files contents will appear in a dialog box and you are expected to select (or create) a filter. The current highlighted filter mask will be shown, so you can see if this is appropriate. If you wish to edit or add a new filter you can move mask items from the Available window to the Selected window. Note: A Dimension identifier can be attached to a field (eg S=). Photos can also be attached to points, where the photo ID in the CSV file is identified in quotes. (eg “photo1.jpg”)