Chapel Hill High School Read 180 “Sneak Peek” Instructors: Kandra Lackey and Marcia Morris
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What is READ 180? READ 180 is a Scholastic reading intervention program for below level and struggling readers.
What is READ 180? The program uses differentiated and direct instruction, adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and focuses on Comprehension, reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.
What is different about the READ 180 classroom? In the READ 180 classroom, students are rotated between three groups Audio-Students read books with the assistance of a Scholastic cassette or tape. Whole Group-Students have whole and small group instruction Computer-Students receive individualized, computer-based instruction in four areas: reading, vocabulary, spelling, and writing
Classroom Structure Whole Group Opening-15 minutes ◦ Students and teachers will engage in whole group instruction including discussion, journaling, and modeling effective fluency practices. Rotation Stations ◦ Modeled/Independent Reading-20 minutes ◦ Computer Stations-20 minutes ◦ Small Group Instruction-20 minutes Whole Group Closure-15 minutes ◦ Questions/Reflection/Wrap up/Cleanup Each rotation station is 20 minutes in length. A timer will go off at the 17 minute mark giving students three (3) minutes to finish before moving on to the next station.
Whole Group Opening Bellwork/Warm-up Students and teachers will: ◦ Respond to journals in writing ◦ Complete Daily Oral Language/Brain Game warm-up exercises ◦ Participate in Shared Readings ◦ Prepare for rotations
Modeled/Independent Reading It will be important to maintain accurate reading logs. Follow the note taking format provided in your folders.
Computer Stations Reading Zone- Videos, short passages, comprehension, questions, Word Zone-Vocabulary Spelling Zone-Spelling Success Zone- Comprehension, Vocabulary, Spelling
Small Group Instruction Reading level checks One on one reading awareness Conferences (when needed)
Whole Group Closure Teacher led discussion Review agenda and objectives to access learning goals Exit Tickets
Georgia Professional Standards ELA9RL1: Students demonstrate comprehension. ELA9RL3-4: Students understand literary works by relating them to contemporary context or historical background. Students demonstrate a grasp of various writing genres. ELA9LR5: Students use new vocabulary correctly. ELA9RC1-4: Students reads and discusses a minimum of 25 reading level appropriate books. ELA9W1-W4: Students produce appropriate narrative and expository writing using research and technology when appropriate. Students practice timed and processed writing and develops, revises, and evaluates writing as necessary. ELA9LSV1-2: Students participate in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. Students form reasons judgments and delivers focused, coherent, and polished presentations.