Eddie Martinez EDUC 533.  An innovation model is an opportunity to present a new way of teaching- with hopes that the new model will improve student.


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Presentation transcript:

Eddie Martinez EDUC 533

 An innovation model is an opportunity to present a new way of teaching- with hopes that the new model will improve student learning. ▪ Innovative idea: Walk to Math.  My district has adopted a new curriculum. ▪ Math Connects.  Will have the cooperation and support of the existing and new 4 th grade staff for the adaptation. ▪ 4 th grade lead: teaching for 8 years. ▪ Myself: third year teacher. ▪ We will be hiring two new teachers for the coming year.  Test scores need to improve. ▪ NWEA, Summative, and district benchmark tests are low.

 Supporting data and research.  WASL scores from previous years indicate no significant rise. ▪ Scores have plateau at around 45%  NWEA math scores mirror WASL scores. ▪ Only 47% of our 4 th grade students met benchmark.  Math Connects supports grouping by abilities. ▪ Teachers can use flexible grouping to deliver a variety of differentiated learning environments in their classrooms, including small workgroups, cooperative learning groups, cross ‐ grade groups, between ‐ grade groups, grouping by ability for guided or independent practice, as well as whole class, and individual practice settings (Tomlinson, 2000).

 Walk to Math groups.  Othello School District Initiatives: Othello School District Initiatives: ▪ “Ensure continuous academic improvement by review curriculum, instruction, and assessments as aligned with EALRs and PEs from OSPI in Math.”  With the adaptation of our new curriculum and test scores in math, a walk to math curriculum might prove to be as successful as our Walk to Reading program. ▪ WASL Reading scores remain high- at around 79%.

 Teachers will be divided into three groups: below, at, and enrich. ▪ Two teachers will teach the enrich group. ▪ Groups can changed based upon the students performance.  Students will be given a diagnostic test before each chapter. ▪ Student proficiency can change from chapter to chapter. ▪ Their performance will determine their math group.  Teachers will introduce concepts and skills to their homeroom group. ▪ At least 30 minutes to introduce the lesson and more time, if needed.  Students will then transfer to their given teacher to practice the new skills. ▪ the remaining time will be used to provided enrichment, practice, or support.

 Each summer, the Othello School District provides training in all its curriculum.  Math Connects training is offered twice this summer.  Twice a month we have PLC.  An opportunity to discuss results and data.  The McGraw-Hill company offers professional development on their website.  Teacher Professional Development. Teacher Professional Development.

 A supportive Math Committee.  Members need to be willing to support our effort to improve student achieve- even if our method is different than what the school is doing.  Time to train and prepare our grade level for implementation.  New teachers will need to be trained in the curriculum.  Opportunities to prepare for our groups.  Organize students into groups evenly.  Money for enrichment materials.  Math Connects does not have much enrichment activities.  Supplemental materials will need to be explored.

 Scootney Springs had 700 students in May  Last year there were 93 fourth grade students. ▪ 22 were in my class.  Male and female ratio is even.  50.5% male  40.5% female  Population:  75.8% Hispanic  22.2% White  Free and reduce lunch rate:  76%  Special Education students:  9%  Transitional bilingual:  37%  Migrant students:  11%