Eddie Martinez EDUC 533
An innovation model is an opportunity to present a new way of teaching- with hopes that the new model will improve student learning. ▪ Innovative idea: Walk to Math. My district has adopted a new curriculum. ▪ Math Connects. Will have the cooperation and support of the existing and new 4 th grade staff for the adaptation. ▪ 4 th grade lead: teaching for 8 years. ▪ Myself: third year teacher. ▪ We will be hiring two new teachers for the coming year. Test scores need to improve. ▪ NWEA, Summative, and district benchmark tests are low.
Supporting data and research. WASL scores from previous years indicate no significant rise. ▪ Scores have plateau at around 45% NWEA math scores mirror WASL scores. ▪ Only 47% of our 4 th grade students met benchmark. Math Connects supports grouping by abilities. ▪ Teachers can use flexible grouping to deliver a variety of differentiated learning environments in their classrooms, including small workgroups, cooperative learning groups, cross ‐ grade groups, between ‐ grade groups, grouping by ability for guided or independent practice, as well as whole class, and individual practice settings (Tomlinson, 2000).
Walk to Math groups. Othello School District Initiatives: Othello School District Initiatives: ▪ “Ensure continuous academic improvement by review curriculum, instruction, and assessments as aligned with EALRs and PEs from OSPI in Math.” With the adaptation of our new curriculum and test scores in math, a walk to math curriculum might prove to be as successful as our Walk to Reading program. ▪ WASL Reading scores remain high- at around 79%.
Teachers will be divided into three groups: below, at, and enrich. ▪ Two teachers will teach the enrich group. ▪ Groups can changed based upon the students performance. Students will be given a diagnostic test before each chapter. ▪ Student proficiency can change from chapter to chapter. ▪ Their performance will determine their math group. Teachers will introduce concepts and skills to their homeroom group. ▪ At least 30 minutes to introduce the lesson and more time, if needed. Students will then transfer to their given teacher to practice the new skills. ▪ the remaining time will be used to provided enrichment, practice, or support.
Each summer, the Othello School District provides training in all its curriculum. Math Connects training is offered twice this summer. Twice a month we have PLC. An opportunity to discuss results and data. The McGraw-Hill company offers professional development on their website. Teacher Professional Development. Teacher Professional Development.
A supportive Math Committee. Members need to be willing to support our effort to improve student achieve- even if our method is different than what the school is doing. Time to train and prepare our grade level for implementation. New teachers will need to be trained in the curriculum. Opportunities to prepare for our groups. Organize students into groups evenly. Money for enrichment materials. Math Connects does not have much enrichment activities. Supplemental materials will need to be explored.
Scootney Springs had 700 students in May Last year there were 93 fourth grade students. ▪ 22 were in my class. Male and female ratio is even. 50.5% male 40.5% female Population: 75.8% Hispanic 22.2% White Free and reduce lunch rate: 76% Special Education students: 9% Transitional bilingual: 37% Migrant students: 11%