Bell Ringer 2/8 Match each description with the correct method for reducing fears. Flooding Systematic desensitization Counter Conditioning 1. James’ fear of dogs was cancelled out by his parents giving him candy while a dog was gradually brought closer. 2. Jill overcame her fear of spiders gradually. Her psychologist first showed her photos of spiders while she took deep breaths. Then, a spider was brought in the room with her. Finally, she was able to hold a spider in the palm of her hand with little anxiety. 3. Jessica overcame her fear of heights by going to the sky deck of the Willis Tower and standing on the ledge, and looking out over the city.
Objectives Explain the basic principles of Operant Conditioning. Differentiate between Positive Reinforcers, Negative Reinforcers, and Punishment.
Operant Conditioning The Learner is NOT passive. Learning based on consequence!!!
Operant Conditioning A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment.
B.F. Skinner The Mac Daddy of Operant Conditioning. Used a Skinner Box (Operant Conditioning Chamber) to prove his concepts.
Skinner Box
Reinforcers A reinforcer is anything that INCREASES a behavior. Positive Reinforcement: The addition of something pleasant. Negative Reinforcement: The removal of something unpleasant.
Positive or Negative? Kiss for doing the dishes Loud,irritating buzz until driver puts on seat belt Treat for your dog when he sits Prisoners try to break out of jail to escape being locked up
Punishment Meant to decrease a behavior. Addition of something unpleasant. Removal of something pleasant. Punishment works best when it is immediately done after behavior and if it is harsh!
How do we actually use Operant Conditioning?... Shaping Shaping-procedure in Operant Conditioning in which reinforcers guide behavior closer and closer towards a goal. Shaping is reinforcing small steps on the way to the desired behavior. To train a dog to get your slippers, you would have to reinforce him in small steps. First, to find the slippers. Then to put them in his mouth. Then to bring them to you and so on…this is shaping behavior.
Token Economy Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given. They can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers) Used in homes, prisons, mental institutions and schools.