eHGI and Convergence 21st March 2013
DIRECTIVE 2011/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross- border healthcare Directive on cross-border health
Article 14: ehealth 1.The Union shall support and facilitate cooperation … among Member States with a voluntary network connecting national authorities responsible for eHealth designated by the Member States. 2.The objectives of the eHealth network shall be to: (a) work towards delivering sustainable economic and social benefits of European eHealth (b) draw up guidelines on: (i) a non-exhaustive list of data that are to be included in patients’ summaries (ii) effective methods for enabling the use of medical information for public health and research (c) support Member States in developing common identification and authentication measures to facilitate transferability of data in cross-border healthcare 3.The Commission shall … adopt the necessary measures for the establishment, management and transparent functioning of this network
eHGI and eHealth Network eHealth Network of MS Art. 14 Directive on Patients Rights (2011) eHealth Network of MS Art. 14 Directive on Patients Rights (2011) eHealth Governance Initiative epSOS project (Patient summary / ePrescription) epSOS project (Patient summary / ePrescription) Semantic Network Project STORK project (eIdentification within eHealth domain) STORK project (eIdentification within eHealth domain) eHealth EIF project CALLIOPE Network Interoperability Roadmap CALLIOPE Network Interoperability Roadmap
WP Interoperability, Standardization, Market Paper on semantic and technical interoperability Endorsed by the eHealth Network in October 2012 Next step: Policy paper due in May 2013
Endorsed recommendations Encourage greater cooperation between MSs Encourage greater cooperation between national authorities and standardisation bodies Enable the recommendation of standards and harmonised profiles based on selected use cases Use purchasing power of public sector as enabler
Endorsed recommendations Foster data portability – For patients – For healthcare providers Link and harmonise coding systems Facilitate access to existing standards and medical vocabularies Stimulate usability engineering for structured and encoded data Consider incentivisation of healthcare providers
Thank you for your attention!