EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement An Introduction to EuCARD-2 M. Vretenar, CERN Project Coordinator Workshop on “Compact and Low Consumption Magnet Design for Future Linear and Circular Colliders”, CERN, Geneva, November 2014.
EuCARD-2: the road to Accelerator R&D 2 > 300 participants from 40 Institutes (Laboratories, Universities and Industries) of 12 European Countries (+ CERN and Russia) 48 months duration ( ) 13 Workpackages covering different fields of advanced Accelerator R&D 23.5 M€ total cost, 8 M€ EC contribution > 300 participants from 40 Institutes (Laboratories, Universities and Industries) of 12 European Countries (+ CERN and Russia) 48 months duration ( ) 13 Workpackages covering different fields of advanced Accelerator R&D 23.5 M€ total cost, 8 M€ EC contribution EuCARD-2 = European Coordinated Accelerator Research and Development, an Integrating Activity co-funded by the European Commission under the Capacity – Research infrastructure Program One website:
EuCARD-2 objectives 3 Scientific objectives: 1.Contributions to few R&D topics of excellence (high risk, high pay-off) on accelerators for research (HEP, nuclear physics, synchrotron lights, etc.). 2.Include new dimension of innovation, applications, relations with industry (healthcare, energy, environment, etc.). Scientific objectives: 1.Contributions to few R&D topics of excellence (high risk, high pay-off) on accelerators for research (HEP, nuclear physics, synchrotron lights, etc.). 2.Include new dimension of innovation, applications, relations with industry (healthcare, energy, environment, etc.). Wider objectives: For EU: strenghten collaboration and foster synergies, create a network of complementary scientific infrastructures, enhance EU competitiveness. For large laboratories: attract external partners into (long-term) projects, connect with high-level R&D, create a network of competences. For small Institutes: get access to big laboratories and to large scientific programmes, get the recognition (and the funding) related to EU projects. Wider objectives: For EU: strenghten collaboration and foster synergies, create a network of complementary scientific infrastructures, enhance EU competitiveness. For large laboratories: attract external partners into (long-term) projects, connect with high-level R&D, create a network of competences. For small Institutes: get access to big laboratories and to large scientific programmes, get the recognition (and the funding) related to EU projects.
The challenges ahead… Size, Cost, El. power, Public acceptance Push the gradients (B, E) Improve efficiency WP3, WP10, WP12 Applied science Medecine Industry Applied science Medecine Industry 90 years of particle accelerators 1924: Ising, periodic acceleration 1928: Wideröe, RF acceleration 1931: Lawrence, cyclic acceleration Push the limits: Higher beam densities and energies WP5, WP6, WP11 The four EuCARD-2 themes for the future of particle accelerators A new paradigm: Plasma wakefield acceleration WP7, WP13 Improve applications and technology transfer WP2, WP Enabling technologies -RF acceleration -Cyclic acceleration -Strong focusing, ph. stability -Colliders -Superconductivity -(Plasma acceleration?) Enabling technologies -RF acceleration -Cyclic acceleration -Strong focusing, ph. stability -Colliders -Superconductivity -(Plasma acceleration?)
Extreme Beams – F. Zimmermann (CERN) Frontier performance of accelerators. Extreme Beams – F. Zimmermann (CERN) Frontier performance of accelerators. Low emittance rings – Y.Papaphilippou (CERN), S.Guiducci (INFN), R.Bartolini (UOXF) Synergies synchrotron light sources, storage rings, damping rings, lepton colliders. Low emittance rings – Y.Papaphilippou (CERN), S.Guiducci (INFN), R.Bartolini (UOXF) Synergies synchrotron light sources, storage rings, damping rings, lepton colliders. Novel Accelerators – R. Assmann (DESY) European roadmap for plasma-based accelerators. Novel Accelerators – R. Assmann (DESY) European roadmap for plasma-based accelerators. Energy Efficiency – M. Seidel (PSI) Energy management in accelerators. Energy Efficiency – M. Seidel (PSI) Energy management in accelerators. Accelerator Applications – R. Edgecock (HUD) Accelerator technology for industry, health care, energy,... Accelerator Applications – R. Edgecock (HUD) Accelerator technology for industry, health care, energy,... Catalysing Innovation – G.Anelli (CERN), P.Woodman (STFC) Transfer to society of EuCARD-2 technologies. Catalysing Innovation – G.Anelli (CERN), P.Woodman (STFC) Transfer to society of EuCARD-2 technologies. Ion Cooling Test Facility at STFC R. Preece (STFC) HighRadMat, MagNet at CERN A. Fabich and M. Bajko (CERN) Future Magnets – L. Rossi (CERN), P. Fazilleau (CEA) High Temperature Superconductors for 20 T magnets. Future Magnets – L. Rossi (CERN), P. Fazilleau (CEA) High Temperature Superconductors for 20 T magnets. Collimator Materials – A. Rossi (CERN), J. Stadlmann (GSI) New materials for future collimators. Collimator Materials – A. Rossi (CERN), J. Stadlmann (GSI) New materials for future collimators. Innovative RF Technologies – P. Macintosh (STFC) High gradients for SC and NC accelerating cavities, RF diagnostics, photocathodes. Innovative RF Technologies – P. Macintosh (STFC) High gradients for SC and NC accelerating cavities, RF diagnostics, photocathodes. Novel Acceleration Techniques – V. Malka (CNRS) R&D topics on plasma wakefield acceleration. Novel Acceleration Techniques – V. Malka (CNRS) R&D topics on plasma wakefield acceleration. 6 Networks 4 Research &Technology Developments 2 Access to Research Infrastructures 13 Workpackages
The EuCARD-2 partners 6 40 partners from 15 European countries, including Russia
The Eucard-2 budget 7
A final word… Improving Energy Efficiency is a must for the future of High-Energy Physics and of Particle Accelerator technology. Magnets are important contributors to overall efficiency: even in a linear collider like CLIC magnets represent more than 20% of the power consumption! There is a lot to do, and please keep in mind the excellent experience of Linac4 with its Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles… Have a good Workshop!
The EuCARD-2 Timeline 10 January/September 2011 Project definition (on priorities set by ESGARD) September/November 2011 Nomination of coordinator, Project finalization Proposal submitted (10 M€ requested EU contribution) Evaluation Summary Report received: 14/15 Favourable evaluation for funding, in stand-by for 2013 EC budget Invitation to negotiations received (8 M€ contribution) Negotiation meeting with EU officer Draft Annex1(reference document) submitted New version of Annex1 incorporating EC comments submitted Final Annex1 accepted by EC – end of negotiation phase All signed documents (Grant Preparation Forms) sent to Brussels Grant Agreement received from EU (after clearing technical details) Signed Grant Agreement sent to EU Signed Grant Agreement received from EU + autorisation 1st payment Start of the project January/September 2011 Project definition (on priorities set by ESGARD) September/November 2011 Nomination of coordinator, Project finalization Proposal submitted (10 M€ requested EU contribution) Evaluation Summary Report received: 14/15 Favourable evaluation for funding, in stand-by for 2013 EC budget Invitation to negotiations received (8 M€ contribution) Negotiation meeting with EU officer Draft Annex1(reference document) submitted New version of Annex1 incorporating EC comments submitted Final Annex1 accepted by EC – end of negotiation phase All signed documents (Grant Preparation Forms) sent to Brussels Grant Agreement received from EU (after clearing technical details) Signed Grant Agreement sent to EU Signed Grant Agreement received from EU + autorisation 1st payment Start of the project
EU and accelerators* 11 CARE 01/2004 – 12/ years, 15.2 M€ EU contribution CARE 01/2004 – 12/ years, 15.2 M€ EU contribution EuCARD 04/2009 – 03/ years, 10.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD 04/2009 – 03/ years, 10.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD-2 05/2013 – 04/ years, 8.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD-2 05/2013 – 04/ years, 8.0 M€ EU contribution Integrating Activities Design Studies, Preparatory Phases Design Studies, Preparatory Phases EuroNu DS, 2008/12, 4M€ HiLumi LHC, 2011/15, 4.9M€ ILC-HiGrade, 2008/12, 5M€ SLHC-PP, 2008/11, 5.2M€ TIARA-PP, 2011/13, 3.9M€ FP6 FP7 ESGARD Long-term R&D not a priority for large laboratories focused on short-term projects, small institutions lack critical mass and the experience to be effective → a joint collaborative effort with the EU support is the most effective way to push the limits of our technologies. *: only programs coordinated by the ESGARD committee, with particle physics as primary objective Long standing support, but budget shrinking (3 → 2.5 → 2 M€/year), more focus on networking and less on tecnological R&D. Supplemented by DS and PP (up to 4.5 M€/year in 2011). LABORATORIES: Infrastructure experience UNIVERSITIES: Intellectual potential, creativity INDUSTRY
Past and present accelerator projects by ESGARD FP6 FP7 EC contribution decreasing due to stronger competition, trend seems to continue in H2020