76 Speed and Collisions
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76 Speed and Collisions Key Vocabulary acceleration force speed tested variable
76 Speed and Collisions Force Write down the first five things that come to your mind when you hear this word.
76 Speed and Collisions What might you observe when a force is acting on an object? Share your thoughts with the class.
76 Speed and Collisions Read the introduction and look for key ideas The force with which this car was hit was large, but the time it took to collide was short.
76 Speed and Collisions Does vehicle speed affect the forces involved in a collision?
76 Speed and Collisions Review the procedure What are the variables in this experiment? What is the tested variable?
76 Speed and Collisions Complete the procedure Copy the table in your notebook to record your data.
76 Speed and Collisions Report your average distance values for each speed
76 Speed and Collisions What patterns do your data show? Share your answer with the class.
76 Speed and Collisions Analysis question 1 How does the speed of the cart affect how far the block moves?
76 Speed and Collisions Analysis question 2 Why do you think release height has this effect?
76 Speed and Collisions Analysis question 3 What part(s) of the experiment’s design: a.increase your confidence in the data? b.decrease your confidence in the data?
76 Speed and Collisions Analysis question 4 When a car crashes, do you think its speed can make a difference in the amount of damage done? Explain, using evidence from this investigation.
76 Speed and Collisions Force Not only does the car apply a force to the block, but the block applies a force to the car.
76 Speed and Collisions Does vehicle speed affect the forces involved in a collision?
76 Speed and Collisions Key vocabulary definitions Acceleration - The rate at which an object changes speed and/or direction. Force - A push or pull. Speed - The rate at which an object moves, equal to the distance traveled per time interval.
76 Speed and Collisions Key vocabulary definitions Tested variable - A variable that is changed in a systematic way in an experiment or investigation in order to determine its effect.