DIODE-LASER AND FOURIER-TRANSFORM SPECTROSCOPY OF 14 NH 3 AND 15 NH 3 IN THE NEAR-INFRARED (1.5 µm) Nofal IBRAHIM, Pascale CHELIN, Johannes ORPHAL Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA) Université de Paris-XII, Créteil Cedex, France CARLOS E. FELLOWS Laboratorio de Espectroscopia e Laser Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Bresil
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, NH 3 : strong bands in the near IR o With a short cell (30 cm) and a few mbar of NH 3, one can achieve optical densities higher than 1 for the strongest lines. → Useful for calibration of NIR spectra NH 3 is also an atmospheric trace gas and present in the atmospheres of the giant planets → NIR useful for concentration determination 1. Motivation 1. Motivation Precise spectral line parameters are needed!
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Goal: Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) and detection limits of NH 3 around 1.5 µm However: significant problems with line positions and intensities wrt. the literature (Lundsberg-Nielsen et al., JMS 1993) Solution: new FTS spectra recorded at Orsay New NH 3 linelist has already been used by other groups (R. Lees, M. Okumura, …) 2. This work
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, External Cavity Diode Lasers: available from telecommunication 3. ECDL 3. ECDL Fast: one scan ( cm -1) in a few seconds And: Relatively cheap ! Linewidth 1 MHz ( cm -1 ) Power 30 mW Tunable range: 1535 – 1565 nm (6390 – 6515 cm-1)
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) 4. PAS 4. PAS Thanks to Prof. Th. Huet, University of Lille, France Photoacoustic effect: Collisional energy transfers Laser tuned to a molecular transition: Excited molecules Partly, non radiative de-excitation Temperature changes Pressure changes Acoustic wave Detection by microphone
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Simultaneous measurement of NH 3 by direct absorption using a White-type cell 5. Our PAS set-up 5. Our PAS set-up
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Simultaneous measurement of NH 3 by direct absorption using a White-type cell 5. Our PAS set-up 5. Our PAS set-up
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results 6. Results Photo-acoustic spectroscopy (PAS) Direct absorption spectroscopy FTS spectra ( 14 NH 3 and 15 NH 3 )
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 1. PAS 6. Results : 1. PAS S/N > 1000
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 1. PAS 6. Results : 1. PAS Spectral calibration using the line list (FTS) of Lundsberg-Nielsen et al. (1993) Problem: different relative line intensities: lines 2 and 3 should be very similar (60% of the line 1 !!!) Check with direct absorption !
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy 6. Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy 6. Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy 6. Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy P = 0.01 Torr (pure Doppler lines)
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy 6. Results : 2. Direct absorption spectroscopy Spectral calibration using the line list (FTS) of Lundsberg-Nielsen et al. (1993) Problem: relative line intensities still do not agree: lines 2 and 3 should be very similar (60% of the line 1) – so what is going on here ??? The Doppler widths are not the same !
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Results : Solving the puzzle 7. Results : Solving the puzzle Spectral calibration using the line list (FTS) of Lundsberg-Nielsen et al. (1993) The Doppler widths are not the same ! ? Record new FTS spectra !
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, New spectra using FTS 8. New spectra using FTS Experimental conditions: Bruker IFS 120 HR Fourier spectrometer (Orsay) Absorption cell 25 cm, CaF 2 windows NH 3 pressure 30 mbar Spectral range 5950 – 7850 cm -1 Spectral resolution 0.02 cm -1
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, NH 3 vs 15 NH NH 3 vs 15 NH 3 14 NH 3 15 NH 3
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Comparison of line positions 8. Comparison of line positions 14 NH 3 15 NH 3 Line No. Lundsberg- Nielsen et al. JMS 162 (1993) This work (FTS) (*) Difference in cm (*) calibrated using the IUPAC recommended H 2 O lines of Toth, accuracy (RMS) cm -1
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, One problem remains (PAS)
CNRS-LISAMSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, Conclusion New list of 14 NH 3 and 15 NH 3 line positions (and intensities) in the NIR around 1.5 microns * NIR photoacoustic spectroscopy can be used for quantitative measurements but needs calibration for each individual line (may be molecule dependent) * The list is available in digital format upon request to the authors. We wish to thank Professors Ron Lees and Li-Hong Xu from New Brunswick (Canada) for very helpful discussions.