Subject Headings for Reference Everything You Need to Know About Subject Headings in One Easy Lesson By Dr. Nancy J. Becker Presented by Dr. Kevin Rioux
3 Library Catalogs Provide information about resources of a particular library’s collection, including reference resources Provide intermediary assistance for reference librarians –ensure important sources of information are not overlooked –free librarian from need to memorize all sources on every topic
4 Controlled Vocabulary Definition: Language that is carefully systematized for use in retrieval tools –Ensures consistency in use of subject terms –Aids collocation by subject in the catalog
5 Types of Controlled Vocabularies Subject Heading Lists –Used in most library catalogs –Broad in scope to cover wide range of disciplines and subjects Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Sears List of Subject Headings
6 Types of Controlled Vocabularies Thesauri –Used in indexes and databases –Cover limited discipline or subject with greater specificity ERIC MeSH
7 Features of Controlled Vocabularies One term or phrase for one concept Formal syndetic structure of references Identify relationships –Broader terms –Narrower terms –Related terms
8 Subject Heading Structure Main element (can be any subject) –Personal name: (Shakespeare, William, ) –Topical: (Art history; Motorcycles; Butterflies) –Geographic: (Italy; Maine; Moon) –Corporate name: (Microsoft; St. John’s University)
9 Subdivisions --Topic--Place--Chronology--Form – Art--Censorship – Art--Italy – Art--16th Century – Art--Catalogs – Art--Forgeries--England--20th century--Exhibitions
10 Functions of Subdivisions To serve as a device for subarranging large numbers of records for works with the same main heading History--Dictionaries History--France History--Periodicals To render the subject more specific, i.e., limit the scope History--France--19th century
11 Free-Floating Subdivisions Widely applicable to many subject headings Save space in lists Sears: Commonly Used Subdivisions LCSH: Free-Floating Subdivisions
12 List Structure Portraits UF Portraiture BT Art Biography Pictures NT Effigies Photography--Portraits Self-portraits –Law and legislation –Private collections
13 Application Art, Byzantine (May Subd. Geog.) UF Byzantine art Art, Medieval Christian art and symbolism--To 500 Christian art and symbolism--Medieval, –Greek influences Headings in Catalog: Art, Byzantine Art, Byzantine--Russia Art, Byzantine--Russia--Exhibitions Art, Byzantine--Russia--Greek influences
14 ERIC Thesaurus
15 Subject Search Models Specific-to-General (known-item search) General-to-Specific (subject/discipline search) Type-of-Literature (form)
16 Specific-to-General Search Model Begin with “known-item” search Find bibliographic record for known-item Note subject headings assigned to that item (tracings) Initiate general catalog search using subject heading found on record Search subject heading list using subject heading found on record to identify other related headings
17 General-to-Specific Search Model Begin with search in subject heading list Find term for specific subject that is used by list Note BT, RT, and NT Search library catalog using controlled vocabulary subject term(s) Locate specific items
18 Type-of-Literature Search Model Enables systematic predictability of reference sources in all subject areas Works well for finding reference resources for factual information Uses main subject heading for the topic coupled with a subdivision for Form Education--Encyclopedias Baseball--Dictionaries New Jersey--Road maps
19 A Few LCSH Free-Floating Form Subdivisions –Atlases –Bibliography –Calendars –Catalogs –Chronology –Computer databases –Concordances –Criticism, Textual –Diaries – Dictionaries –Directories –Discography –Encyclopedias –Handbooks, manuals, etc. –Illustrations –Indexes – Periodicals
20 Remember: The library catalog can be used to find reference sources Published guides to reference sources become dated when published, but Library catalogs are updated constantly Subject headings can help you find reference sources on old and new literature without need to memorize all sources