MAMA Assessment on Operational Oceanography in the Mediterranean Aldo Drago MedGOOS Executive Secretary IOI – Malta Operational Centre University of Malta.


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Presentation transcript:

MAMA Assessment on Operational Oceanography in the Mediterranean Aldo Drago MedGOOS Executive Secretary IOI – Malta Operational Centre University of Malta Tel/Fax : +356 –

Targets of the Assessment - Stocktaking of activities & identification of the current capabilities in operational oceanography on a country by country basis - Availability of infrastructures for ocean monitoring and forecasting; human resources and funding

MAMA WP1 WHY? - Identify gaps and capacity building needs - identify existing infrastructure/expertise/activities/capacities that can - identify existing infrastructure/expertise/activities/capacities that can provide building blocks to the initial observing system provide building blocks to the initial observing system - design the ocean monitoring and forecasting system that addresses - design the ocean monitoring and forecasting system that addresses the needs of the region the needs of the region - target the niche for operational oceanography - target the niche for operational oceanography

Method of Assessment - Country profiles on the current capabilities in pre-operational ocean forecasting - Inventory on marine monitoring activities

Country Profiles (1) Section A – Profile of relevant institutions -Institute Name -Institute Address and Contacts -Type of Institution -Mission -Type of Activities -Main Sectors/Fields of Activity -Staff -Ongoing Programmes -Numerical Modelling and Forecasting -Support services required from operational oceanography

Section B – Profile on the National Organisational Structure in Marine Affairs and Research Describes the national organisational and institutional arrangements for the conduction of marine affairs and research in each country with an emphasis on the activities relevant to ocean monitoring and forecasting -List of Ministries/Environmental Authorities/Agencies & key entities with marine related responsabilities -List of Marine research organisations -List of co-ordinating bodies -Research and Monitoring Programmes Country Profiles (2)

Section C – Relevance of Marine Sector to the Economy -General description of the marine economic activities of each country -Identification of the relevance of the sea as an economic resource -Ranking key classes of marine-related activities and identifying the associated trends Country Profiles (3)

MAMA WP1 Inventory on marine monitoring activities in the Mediterranean Structure Part 1: National requirements for the monitoring of the marine environment - main recipients - key requested deliverables - details on products and services provided - type of monitoring activities required to support the service - main parameters measured - type of analysis and assessments made to adapt measurements to user needs - how deliver the service - extended potential benefits?

MAMA WP1 Inventory on marine monitoring activities in the Mediterranean Structure Part 2: Description and practices of the marine monitoring activities - technical details - current practices -details on platforms, instrumentation, sensors, telecom systems, data storage and exchange codes and formats, maintenance, etc.

Processing of metadata Processing of metadata Updating entries Cross-checking between questionnaire entries and country profile info Classification into summary tables Importing into MeDir-OP interface and database

Considerable effort…. Results and analysis only as good as the quality of input data Initiative has established a general methodology for assessing the current state of operational oceanography in the region…. …. In future we can only be better! Our community is basically of scientific expertise …. ….some may lack experience on management practices and marine affairs in their country

Internet Connectivity Internet Connectivity RECIPIENTS 7 countries still rely on dial-up connections …inadequate for uninterrupted data flow Standard PCs with MS Windows most common Common data exchange protocols are based on HTTP/FTP MS Internet Explorer most commonly used

Update frequency of products : Daily basis (6), Seasonal / yearly basis (4), Non-periodic basis (2) Estimated product volume: Depends on the type of data/information and the relevant format used for their dissemination : MB (4), MB (2), 1,5 MB or less (5) Product providers Product providers

Location of server and protocol used: Local (10), Remote (2) - HTTP (7), FTP(1), Both (4) Access to the products : Free (7), Restricted (5) Operating system used for product provision : UNIX/Linux (8), MSWindows (6), Both (2) Product providers Product providers

Number of simultaneous users: Up to 50 (8), Up to 100 (1), Up to 500 (1), Over 500 (1) Line capacity : Kbps(2), ISDN-ADSL (3), 2Mbps(3), 10Mbps (3) Product providers Product providers

Human resources: Main points 7111 in general marine research centres (35% female; 4.5% managerial) (from 19 countries 7 EU; 12 non-EU [7SE] ) 45% in non-EU countries 34% in SE Med. Countries 26% RTD related to operational oceanography + monitoring + forecasting ( excluding France ) 5% modelling and forecasting ( excluding France )

Staff (General)

Total Staff (Male vs Female)

Staff: (Operational Oceanography)

Human resources: Main points 49% between France, Spain, Italy and Greece 19% for Egypt alone Less than 60 (Malta, Palestine, Albania, Lebanon, Libya) PhD (26%); non-PhD (24%); Technical (24%) Support staff (26%)

MAP 1 Country Profiles MAP 2 Marine institutes targeting ocean observations/forecasting MAP3 Research activities underpinning/related to operational oceanography and Routine Monitoring and Observation Programmes

NOT ONLY on research capabilities and monitoring platforms…. BUT ALSO on institutional setups in marine affairs and on economic aspects Content of MeDir-OP

MAP 1 Country Profiles → Lists institute/entity names in each country with marine-related activities → Lists research programmes/projects → Lists ocean modelling activities → Marine Affairs → Marine Sector economy

MAP 2 Marine institutes targeting ocean observations/forecasting Set of 5 sub-maps One for each entity category → Information on each entity - Contacts - Mission - Institute Type - Activity Type - Sectors/Field of Activity -Human resources -- Research and monitoring programmes

MAP 3 MAP 3 Set of sub-maps One for each category of programme - Trend monitoring - Ships of Opportunity - Sea level observations - Marine Buoys, Wave observations and Moorings - Hydrographic surveys and other programmes

WHAT ACHIEVEMENTS? - A snapshot of the extent and intensity of effort in the routine observation of the Mediterranean Sea observation of the Mediterranean Sea - Regional report on the prioritisation of the capacity building actions - Regional report on the prioritisation of the capacity building actions according to technical gaps and users' needs according to technical gaps and users' needs - Baseline info for the WP2 - Medir-OP web-based directory/database - Medir-OP web-based directory/database - Served as a framework for preparing NAW Meetings - Served as a framework for preparing NAW Meetings - Survey results most useful as a planning tool and management tool - Survey results most useful as a planning tool and management tool for the Mediterranean marine community for the Mediterranean marine community - Pointers on how individual countries are/can benefit from - Pointers on how individual countries are/can benefit from operational oceanography operational oceanography

MedGOOS Secretariat targets to continue updating the information MedGOOS Secretariat targets to continue updating the information Continue to maintain MeDir-OP Put more emphasis and develop further the socio-economic content for the scientific part of the directory seek partnerships with EDIOS and SEASEARCH for a common and dedicated Mediterranean database for the scientific part of the directory seek partnerships with EDIOS and SEASEARCH for a common and dedicated Mediterranean database For the future….

BIG BIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK Meet you next Project For the future….