Learning to use the Interactive Online Classroom Classroom Activities
Lesson Activities Each lesson will contain the same activities. –Feel free to work through them in any order. –You must complete a quiz, practice, discussion and assignment to get credit for completing the lessons.
Questions and Comments This is a discussion board. –Post any questions or comments you have to make about the course content. –Read other posted questions before you ask yours in case someone has asked the same question.
Demo This is a resource –This may not be there for every lesson. –This will show you a demonstration of what you will be able to do at the end of the lesson.
ObjectivesЦель This is a resource –Every lesson will have objectives. –This is a list of the topics that will be covered in this lesson.
ContentСодержание This is a resource –This contains The reading assignment Instructor examples or explanations of some points Web Resources –Be sure to read the reading assignment and Content. –Use the Resources if you want to learn more.
QuizТест This is a Quiz over the content for the lesson –This is multiple choice. –You can find the answer in the reading, the instructor notes or in the program you are learning. –You will usually be able to take the quiz as many times as you want.
PracticeПрактика Задание This allows you to practice what you have learned. –Read the Practice instructions and follow the directions. –You will usually have to upload a file to show what you have done. –Only you and the instructor will be able to see your work. –You can usually submit this more than once
Discussion This allows you to discuss what you are learning with your classmates. –You must answer the posted questions. –Read and comment on what your classmates have to say.
Assignment This allows you to apply what you are learning to your own project. –Read the assignment instructions. –You will probably have to upload a file. –Your classmates will be able to see your work and the instructor’s comments. –View and comment on your classmate’s work.
Discussion Boards View the topic for the discussion board. Click on the Add a new discussion topic button to post a new message. Click on the Subscribe to this forum link to receive copies of posts by .
Posting a Message Enter a subject Type your message –Use the buttons to add formatting or icons. Set your subscription options. Add an attachment if you want. Click on the Post to Forum button to post the message.
Viewing Your Post After you click on Save Changes, you can go back and view your post. –Click on Edit to make changes (You have 15 minutes after you post to edit.) –Click on Delete to delete the post (You have 15 minutes after you post to delete.) If you are viewing someone else’s message, you can click on Reply to post a reply to their message.
Deleting a Message You will be able to delete your own messages within 15 minutes after posting them. –Click on the Delete link in your message. –Click on Yes to confirm that you want to delete the message.
Completing a Practice Follow the instructions for the Practice –Once you have completed the assignment, click on the Browse button. –Choose the file you want to upload from the dialog box that appears. Click on the Save button. –Click on the Upload this file button. –Your instructor will post comments to the practice. You can return here to see them.
Viewing an Assignment Shows the due dates for the assignment and the assignment description.
Posting an Assignment If the instructor has posted an example –View the Instructor Example. –After you have viewed it, click on the Assess link and answer the questions.
Posting an Assignment After you have assessed the instructor example, if necessary, you will see the form to upload your file. –Give your assignment a title –Write any comments you want –Click on Browse and choose the file to upload. –Click on Submit Assignment
Assessing Assignments After you have posted your assignment, you will see links to your classmate’s files. View and comment on their assignments.
Chats Carry on text conversations synchronously with your instructor or classmates.
Entering a Chat See who is chatting Enter a chat –A new window will open to show you the chat View past chat sessions that have been saved.
Chat Window See a list of users on the right Type your message in the box at the bottom View the conversation on the left