M 1 : EARTH & AMEIRCAN DREAM This is not a new movie. It came out before “sustainability” was a common word in your vocabulary. I doubt that any of you have heard or seen this movie. You should be able to find the link below (next slide) and watch the “clips” to give you an insight to the whole. 1
M 1 : EARTH & AMEIRCAN DREAM 2 This is only a collection of “clips” but short and insightful….
M 1 : EARTH : HOME U&feature=player_embedded 3 Now check this out - I recommend you get some popcorn first.
M 1 : EARTH & AMEIRCAN DREAM 4 Easter’s End : Go there… READ IT! This article was the “seed” that led Jared Diamond to write the Book Collapse; this is the (one of) best Part! That is why in the past I required the Book. Now you can get By with just reading the article.
M 1 : EARTH : HOME & AMEIRCAN DREAM This might be a good time to check out A Civil Action with “Johnny T.” It really is a good flick and just might help you on d’BOARD. 5
M 1 : EARTH & AMEIRCAN DREAM After you view Home : Earth, clips from Earth & the Am. Dream, go to d’BOARD & POST your thoughts as to; How does Easter’s End support or refute these videos ? Each student must make a PARENT POST and REPLY to a PARENT POST. You must SUPPORT your position. “I really liked / disliked the movie without support doesn’t grow the discussion.” You should have downloaded and be reading PLAN 3.0 : Mobilizing 2 Save Civilization, you could use that to support your position. I would be impressed! 6
M 1 : EARTH : HOME & AMEIRCAN DREAM This is the first “meeting” of our seminar. There has been a lot of work assigned; this is a graduate course. Therefore I am extending the time frame of d’BOARD (Discussion Board) an additional 48 hours such that you may have the time to adequately address the issues. That gives us until Saturday at noon to finish up with this module. 7 NO job is finished until the paperwork is done….