Outcome: Trip to Kew Gardens – Wakehurst Place for a minibeast hunt! Maths Summer 1 Tens and Units/Partitioning; Shape 2D and 3D shapes; Money; Measure Summer 2 Number Bonds to 20; Problem Solving; Multiplication and Division; Writing numbers in words Hook: Children will have insects in their class to look after and will observe their transformation. Outcome: Trip to Kew Gardens – Wakehurst Place for a minibeast hunt! English Summer 1 Reading: The Three Little Pigs Class Readers: Fairy Tales Talk for Writing: Children to learn and act out the story using role-play. The children will then write the story in their own words and then write their own version using different animals and settings. Grammar: To use story language , ‘ly’ openers, adjectives and conjunctions in their writing. Instructions: To learn the instructions for How to Make a Jam Sandwich. The following week, the children will then make and write instructions for how to plant a seed. In the last week the children will then make their own fruit and write instructions on how to make it. Summer 2 Reading: Chicken Licken Fairy tales Talk for Writing: Children to learn and act out the story using role-play. The children will then write the story in their own words and then write their own version using different animals and settings. Grammar: To use more complex adjectives to describe characters, to use Time connectives, exclamation marks, question marks and speech marks. Poetry: To look at alliteration and rhyming words. ART/DT Children will make their own mini-beasts for the classroom display. Children will create their own Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers painting using oil pastels. Science – Looking at Animals We will be addressing the questions: Who is who in the animal world? How animals’ bodies are different? How do different animals move? Which animals are busy are night? Animal Antics- Looking at animals that live around our school. Observing and identifying birds in our bird feeding station. Watching snails change over time and caring for our pets. I’M ALIVE YEAR 1 SUMMER 1 and 2 How you can help your child at home Carry out the activities on the termly homework grid. Read with your child every evening. Practise spellings with your child in preparation for the weekly spelling test. Education city. International Links The children will look at different species of animals from different parts of the world. ICT Powerpoint Children will create a power point presentation about animals or minibeasts and present it to the class. They will learn how to use power point and to insert pictures. Extension: They will learn to fade pictures in and out. Geography- To learn about different animals and their natural environments and habitats.