What kind of story is this anyway?
Genre Genre is a fancy name for a group of books. Grouping books helps us know how books are alike!
Two major types of genre GenreFiction Nonfiction
Types of nonfiction books Nonfiction books are based on known true facts. Brittany Kent Miley Cyrus
Types of fiction: Realistic Fiction- stories that take place in modern times with events that could have happened.
Mystery Usually realistic stories about an event that has not been explained.
Fantasy These books have elements that could not happen, like talking animals or magical powers
Science fiction These stories blend scientific fact and imagination. They usually take place in the future.
Historical fiction Tories which take place in the past. The setting is real, but the characters are fictional.
Folk Tales, Tall Tales, Fairy Tales Folk tales were passed down form one generation to another. Tall Tales are folk tales with a larger that life character like Paul Bunyan. Fairy tales were written to teach good behavior in a fun way.
Myths Explain something about the world and involve gods.
Poetry Verse to express feelings. It often uses rhyme and rhythm
Genre NonfictionBiography Autobiography Fiction Realistic fiction Science fiction Historical Fiction Fantasy Mystery TalesMyths