James 1:13-27 Look In The Mirror
Dealing With Temptation (vv )
If trials (Gr. peirasmos) are used by God to produce endurance, is He responsible when we are tempted (Gr. peirazo) as a result of these trials?
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) If trials (Gr. peirasmos) are used by God to produce endurance, is He responsible when we are tempted (Gr. peirazo) as a result of these trials? Temptation (and therefore sin and death) always starts with our individual desires.
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) If trials (Gr. peirasmos) are used by God to produce endurance, is He responsible when we are tempted (Gr. peirazo) as a result of these trials? Temptation (and therefore sin and death) always starts with our individual desires. “Do not be deceived” (v. 16, see vv. 22 & 26)
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) God’s true nature (vv ): a faithful giver
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) God’s true nature (vv ): a faithful giver Two contrasting births
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) God’s true nature (vv ): a faithful giver Two contrasting births – Sin & death born from lust
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) God’s true nature (vv ): a faithful giver Two contrasting births – Sin & death born from lust – Children of God born from the word of truth
Dealing With Temptation (vv ) God’s true nature (vv ): a faithful giver Two contrasting births – Sin & death born from lust – Children of God born from the word of truth In context, being “quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger” relate to how we face trials.
Receiving God’s Word (vv )
“My beloved brethren”
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires:
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility – Action
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility – Action Pure & undefiled religion involves:
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility – Action Pure & undefiled religion involves: – Bridling the tongue (words)
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility – Action Pure & undefiled religion involves: – Bridling the tongue (words) – Visiting the distressed (actions)
Receiving God’s Word (vv ) “My beloved brethren” Receiving the implanted word requires: – Humility – Action Pure & undefiled religion involves: – Bridling the tongue (words) – Visiting the distressed (actions) – Keeping ourselves unstained (thoughts)