S5 BNS Inspiral Update Duncan Brown Caltech LIGO-G Z
Introduction Talk divided into two parts: S5 Online Analysis »Runs all the time at LHO and LLO »Single detector search, only generates trigger SNR »Displayed by InspiralMon and daily glitch pages S5 First Epoch BNS search »Start of run (11/4/05) to start of LHO commissioning (02/06/06) »Standard M sun 2pN inspiral templates »Full search pipeline (filter, signal based vetoes, coincidence)
S5 Online Analysis Runs with latency ~ 20 mins at LHO and LLO Results displayed in control room via InspiralMon Not much to say… Other than the occasional brief downtime, this has been running well
S5 BNS Glitch Pages Display top 10 loudest single IFO triggers with SNR > 25 Triggers with no known DQ flag Triggers with known DQ flag
S5 BNS Glitch Pages Scimons encouraged to look at glitches with no current DQ explanation »Glitch group have been working with these triggers Experts encouraged to create DQ flags for glitches that are “obvious” but are not currently flagged To do: »Time cluster triggers with 10 sec window (real soon now!) »Random sampling of triggers in SNR range for scimons and glitch group to follow up
S5 Hardware Injection Analysis Script that looks at hardware injections using online triggers (Fairhurst) Currently run by hand. Plan is to automate generation and add to scimon checklist
S5 First Epoch Analysis Distance to optimally oriented 1.4,1.4 solar mass BNS at = 8 First S5 Epoch Nov 4, Feb 6, 2006
S5 Accidental Coincidences and Simulated Signals Tune pipeline using background, playground (10% of data) and injections Measure background by applying time slides before coincidence Add simulated signals to detector data to evaluate analysis performance
Efficiency in Triple Coincident Data
These are injections found as H1H2 double coincidence, but which have a large effective distance in LLO (due to detector misalignment) Apparent structure here due to low number statistics
Histogram of Number of Galaxies
Current galaxy catalog runs out at 25 Mpc: This should keep going up (needs to be fixed for S5)
Ball Park of S5 Epoch 1 Result Doing final tuning of vetoes before opening box »Group has been busy closing out S3/4 analyses… Total time in triple coincident data ~ 0.1 years The total luminosity ~ 300 L 10 = 190 MWEG R 90% ~ 0.08 yr -1 L = 0.13 yr -1 MWEG -1 But would not quote this number outside this room… »Galaxy distribution incomplete (limit will go down) »Efficiency computed at threshold, not loudest event (limit will go up) »No consideration of background, errors, etc. »Not reviewed!
Future for S5 BNS Complete S5 first epoch upper limit (or detection?) for approval at August LSC meeting At August LSC meeting we will have S5 second epoch (end of LHO commissioning to start of LLO commissioning) in same state first epoch is now Setting up automated code to analyze data for BNS weekly for a detection/no detection statement Detection or final upper limit at end of S5…?