Ch 10: Aggression Part 3: Apr. 4, 2014
Importance of Cues Arousal & Aggression Cues Schacter’s experiment: injected subjects w/adrenaline Difference in attributions based on whether side effects were expected What were results? Guns – cues for aggressive behavior, prime hostile thoughts – What are typical experimental results? – Hot sauce experiments – testosterone & gun handling
Violent Video Games Link with aggression? – Anderson & Bushman’s research (2001): 2 groups: Play Mortal Kombat or PGA Tournament Golf Next, compete w/others Results? Criticism of this type of research?
How does media violence affect aggression? Social Learning view – – Aggressive behavior may increase due to:
APA Resolution on Violence in Video Games Previous research – – Concern w/perpetrator consequences: – Concern w/sexualized violence: Differences between gaming & TV violence:
– APA Recommendations to Congress: – Another perspective (critics): Importance of sense of accomplishment? – Positive influences of gaming? Jane McGonigal’s book “Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world” – Collaborative problem solving - – Urgent optimism - – Epic meaning -