William M. LeoGrande School of Public Affairs American University The Opening to Cuba: Obstacles and Opportunities
A New Beginning with Cuba
OAS General Assembly, June 2009
BGANS: Broadband Global Area Network
Rolando Sarraff Trujillo
The Cuban Five
Sixth Summit of the Americas Cartagena, Colombia, 2012
Cuban-American Attitudes on Commerce with Cuba, % 77% 52%
Republican and Democratic Shares of the Presidential Vote by Cuban-Americans in Florida, Exit Polls, Statewide
“We cannot consume more than we produce.”
US Dept of State
White House photo/ Amanda Lucidon
White House
U.S. Economic Embargo Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 (Helms-Burton) Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA)
Property Claims U.S. Citizen Claims: $7 billion Cuban American Claims: ? Cuban Counter-claims: $116 billion
U.S. Democracy Promotion Aid to dissidents Support for civil society
TV and Radio Martí
Cuban Medical Professionals Parole Program
Cuban Adjustment Act
Fugitives Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard) Luis Posada Carriles
Democracy and Human Rights
Guantánamo Bay Naval Station
“The United States and Cuba have never had normal relations.”