Campaign Incentives UNITED WAY EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN DRAWINGS How it works: all employees who pledge will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card 2 winners will be drawn every two weeks for a total of 8 winners! “SPECIAL” PRIZE DRAWINGS for Fit Bits, a Kindle Fire and a TV will also be held based on specific pledge amounts: $5.00 (or more) / pay period OR gift of at least $ – Fit Bit (5 winners) $10.00 (or more) / pay period OR gift of at least $ – Kindle (1 winner) $20.00 (or more) / pay period OR gift of at least $ – TV (1 winner) Pledges must be received by November 3 rd to be included in drawings.
Pledge $5 or more per pay period ($130) during the campaign for a chance to win a new Fit Bit! Incentives
Pledge $10 or more per pay period ($260) during the campaign for a chance to win a Kindle Fire! Incentives
Pledge $20 or more per pay period ($520) during the campaign for a chance to win a new TV!