Pork CRC – Sub-Program 1b Quality assessment of feed ingredients Objectives & Research Strategies John Black – Sub-Program Coordinator
Quality assessment of feed ingredients Components Adoption, enhancement & maintenance of NIR calibrations for measurement of energy value of cereal grains Rapid methods for measuring the nutritional value of pulses and protein rich ingredients Novel processing methods to increase energy and protein yield from target grains & other ingredients
Background Premium Grains for Livestock Program Understand the reasons for variation in the nutritional value of cereal grains for different animal types (sheep, cattle, pigs, broilers, layers) Improve Nutritional Value of cereal grains through processing, breeding & storage Develop rapid methods for measuring determinants of grain quality – NIR calibrations Develop a rational basis for trading grains for livestock based on rapid measurement of quality
Energy value of grains for animals Cereal grains are fed to livestock as a source of energy because of their high starch content –Available (digestible energy) content (MJ/kg) –Intake (kg/d) influenced by rate of passage –Available energy intake (MJ/d) – total energy available for production Total available energy expressed as: DE for pigs, but proportion digested in small intestines is important for determining the energy available for metabolism
Range in available energy (MJ/kg DM) PGLP Results Wheat Barley Triticale Sorghum Faecal DE Ileal DE Ileal:Faecal Very wide variation in energy availability across and within grain species
Barley (20X)Wheat (20X) Barley and Wheat micrographs
Cost of variation in available energy A 5% change in the digestible energy value of wheat (0.7MJ/kg) - $190/t Changes annual profitability of a 200 sow piggery by $7,500 Kopinski PRDC Report 1 MJ/kg changes value of grain by $14.30/t Edwards PGLP report
No relationship between available energy content and intake
Relationship between available energy content and intake - Pigs
Protein Matrix Sorghum γ-kafirin proteins – high S bonds
Micrwaved sorghum
Pig Faecal DE – effect of processing WheatBarleySorghum Rice
PGLP – NIR Calibrations Pig faecal DE
PGLP – NIR Calibrations Pig ileal DE
Research Strategies for 1b Enhance NIR calibrations for predicting the nutritional quality of feed ingredients for pigs (available energy content (MJ/kg - faecal & ileal), DE intake (MJ/d), growth and FCR) Cereal grains (wheat, barley, triticale & sorghum) Pulses Heat treated canola meal & milk products Use ileal, faecal digestion trials & separate intake and growth trials with young pigs Grains selected carefully from sub-program 1a & other sources; special attention to sorghum cultivars & performance re wheat Alternate years of cereal grains & pulses + protein meals Deliver : Rapid ‘on site’ measurement of ingredient quality
Research Strategies for 1b Develop processing methods for improving the utilisation of feed ingredients by pigs Examine PGLP grains showing wide variation using a suite of diagnostic tools (Microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, solid state NMR, X-ray diffraction, particle sizing, RVA, DCS, invitro amylase etc.) Develop & validate a lab model of pig digestion for screening grains and processing techniques Special attention to sorghum breaking γ-kafirin bonds (chemical, enzymic, genetic enzyme production) Small scale processing & screening In vivo pig digestion Commercial processing trials & commercialisation Novel methods to increase nutrient availability