Rules 1.19 and 13.2 TYPES OF EJECTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE – Given for Rule Violations regarding Equipment, Lineup Management, Conferences, & Warm-up Activities. BEHAVIORAL – Given for Rule Violations relating to Play, Misconduct (Rule 13) and Actions of Batters, Runners, Pitchers, & Fielders. Both Require an Incident Report (Within 24 Hours) 2
Rule 1.48 Page 22 Adds New Term ‘RUNNER’ Offensive Player in the process of running the bases whether as a batter-runner or a base runner 3
Rule 2.4 Note Page 24 Branding Mark on Base ONLY a Sticker or Label with NCAA branding, an NCAA team or conference logo, name or abbreviation may be used ONLY on the MIDDLE third of the rise of the base. (Nothing on top of base) (NOT on the top of the base) 4
Rule 2.16 Note Page 28 Requires ‘No Game’ be declared if the Pitching or Base Distances are not correctable and game can not be moved to a regulation field. 5
Rule Page 37 DAMAGED Bats are Legal Bats that have burrs, Excessive wobble in its connection, rattles, cracks, and dents. In regard to dents on the barrel, if the Bat Ring goes over the bat, it should NOT be considered a damaged bat. 8
Rule Page 37 NCAA Approved Softball Bat List will be published, at a minimum, by 9 am Eastern time the second Monday of December, March, April, and July In addition, New lists will be published when NEGATIVE lab results dictate or if a model is deleted at the request of the MANUFACTURER. 9
Rule Page 37 Simplified Bat Inspection When BCT (Barrel Compression Testing) is used. At sites where BCT is performed, following the 1 st game of a DH, series, or tournament, the umpire crew need only check for damage and verify the total number of bats. 10
Rule Page 38 Failure to present a bat for pregame inspection that is later discovered in the team’s possession or dugout. Player in possession of the bat shall be Ejected. If no specific player is in possession of the bat at the time it is brought to the attention of the plate umpire, the head coach shall be Ejected. 11
Rule 3.4 Page 38 Bats – Warm-Up Fungo Bats as Allowable Warm Up Bats. Fungo Bats and legal softball bats may be in the on-deck circle during the game. (Central Hub’s Correction to Manual 4.2) 12
Rule 5.4 Page 49 UMPIRES’ DUTIES: Umpires should report to the field and notify the OSA and HOME team coaches of their arrival AT LEAST 45 MINUTES before the start of the game. 13
Rule Page 52 Provisions for use of Video Replay May be used O N L Y FOLLOWING GAME! Television Monitoring or Institutional Replay Equipment may be used. 14
Rule Page 52 Provisions for use of Video Replay Used ONLY in 3 Situations: By umpires to verify team personnel involved in a fight. By umpires to verify team personnel who left a team area to join a brawl. By Dee to confirm the accuracy of an incident report involving a protest or suspension. 15
Rule Page 64 Stop immediately or at half inning? Play shall be interrupted in the event of Safety Concerns for Participants or Spectators. 16
Rule Page 64 Stop immediately or at half inning? Concerns regarding lightning or deteriorating field or playing conditions that affect footing or grip on the ball should be IMMEDIATELY addressed and, with the help of the OSA, participants and spectators should be directed to safety. 17
Rule Page 64 Stop immediately or at half inning? In the event of concern for imminent future deteriorating conditions, every effort should be made to suspend the game at the end of the next half inning. 18
Rule 7.2.5(6) Page 70(71) Time span to voice PROTEST intention The Protesting Coach shall IMMEDIATELY notify the Plate Umpire before the next pitch. 19
Rule 7.2.5(6) Page 70(71) Time span to voice PROTEST intention If the game ends (Legal Contest) in a situation that can be protested, The Offended Team Must Voice its protest: BEFORE THE UMPIRES EXIT FIELD. 20
Rule Page 73 ‘No Contest’ Specifies that ‘NO CONTEST’ if BOTH TEAMS have insufficient number of players to continue UNLESS THE FAILURE TO FIELD A TEAM IS A RESULT OF MISCONDUCT SUSPENSIONS. (Rules 13.3 and 13.4) 21
Rule Page 74 New term ‘Offense Player’ (OP) The player in the batting order who is not playing defense because the DP has entered to play defense for her. (DP will be playing defense & offense) 22
Rule page 94 Offensive Team Personnel Shall Not Interfere on a Dead-Ball Award: With a runner(s) who is legally running the bases on a dead-ball award until the player(s) contacts home plate. NOR, with the umpire’s ability to see that all bases are properly touched. 23
Rule Offensive Team Personnel Interference on a Dead-Ball Award: EFFECT: For a first offense of Rule 9.6.3, the umpire shall issue a WARNING to the offending team. 24
Rule Offensive Team Personnel Interference on a Dead-Ball Award: A Subsequent Offense of Rule shall result in the player touched immediately declared out and credited with the last base legally touched at the time of the interference. This portion of is unchanged. 25
Rule Offensive Team Personnel Interference on a Dead-Ball Award: A Subsequent Offense of Rule shall result in the Batter-Runner being declared out and credited with the last base legally touched at the time team personnel entered fair territory. Rule is a New Addition to Rule
ASK DEE INTERPRETATION: “The team is issued a WARNING for violation of Rule and reminded that any subsequent violation of EITHER PORTION of the rule will result in OUTS.” 27
Rule Page 104 Directs Pitcher to wipe off substances Any substance including resin, dirt, or saliva applied to the pitcher’s hand and fingers must be wiped off if it would transfer to the ball. EFFECT: 1 st Offense – Illegal Pitch 2 nd Offense – Pitcher Ejected 28
Rule 13.1 Page 162 Warnings INFORMAL or FORMAL Warnings – At the discretion of an umpire. INFORMAL WARNING – Given for circumstances where preventative umpiring is used to prevent a situation from escalating. (Advisory in Nature) (Asking about a pitch location rather than arguing pitch location) FORMAL WARNING – Clearly articulated, recorded on line-up card, issued to prevent inappropriate behavior. 29
Rule 13.1 Page 162 Warnings Whether a Warning is issued or not…… Umpires have the authority to Eject a player or other team personnel for Rule Violations, Unsporting Acts, Behavioral or Verbal Misconduct. 30
Rule 13.2 Page 162(3) Location of Ejected Personnel An ejected PLAYER may remain in the dugout but shall not remain on the playing field or communicate with the opponents or umpires 31
Rule 13.2 Page 162(3) Location of Ejected Personnel Ejected NONPLAYING personnel must leave the playing field, dugout and other team areas. They may occupy a space near or beyond the home-run fence or MAY LEAVE THE COMPLEX AND BE OUT OF SIGHT AND SOUND 32
Rule 13.3 &13.4 Page 163/164 Physical contact with Umpire or Opponent OR Leaving Team Area to Join a Brawl. The ejecting umpire shall notify the head coach and the on-site administrator that the reason for the ejection is violation of Rule 13.3 or Notice shall take place no later than at the conclusion of the game (if video review is not requested or available) or after video review by the umpires following the game. 33
Rule 15.1 Page 191 Gray Ball Bags Permitted. Heather Gray Ball Bag(s) MAY be worn with Heather Gray Pants. Navy Blue Ball Bag(s) MAY be worn with Heather Gray Pants and MUST be worn with Navy Blue Pants. Note - Nickel color mask is no longer an option. (Black Mask with natural or black padding.) 34
Editorial Changes The Incident Report has been redesigned. (Appendix E, Page 202) Rule #11 has Two New Diagrams to better depict the Strike Zone. (Page 126 & 127) THE WORDS OF THE STRIKE ZONE HAVE NOT CHANGED! 35