Energy for n00bs
Sector overview GenerationTransmissionDistributionCustomer
Tech menu Large plantScalableDistributed Nuclear FissionGas turbines (and w/CHP)Diesel/ Gasoil generators Coal (and coal w/cofiring)Onshore windMicro wind Coal CCS (pre, post and oxyfuel) Solar PV (crystalline, a- silicon, thin film, organic, etc) Solar PV CCGTHydroSolar thermal CCGT CCS (pre, post and oxyfuel) WaveMicro hydro OilGeothermalBiomass boilers (and w/chp) BiomassEnergy from waste, incineration, gasification, AD, etc Gas/ fuel cell/ heat engine CHP Hydro (barrage, large dam)TidalHeat pumps (various) Offshore wind???? Geothermal
Key figures Typical plant size Typical plant site Typical plant costs Typical running costs Grid implications ????
SWOT Analysis StrengthWeaknessOpportunityThreats (risks) CostWhat roles can it play in a mixed energy portfolio? Catastrophic failure ReliabilityWhich applications (in heating/electrical loading) does it fit well? Fuel shortages/ sustainability issues LongevityMight we see Tech improvements?Pollution Track recordDoes it have other uses (waste disposal, etc) or useful bi-products? Price volatility EfficiencyJob creation? VersatilityEconomic growth? IntermittencyIP development? Fuel scarcityWill deployment substantially drive E-curve?
Task: Complete Tech menu and divide up amongst the group. Design 1 slide template containing key information and SWOT analysis and a good image Go away and fill out your designated slides, put them on the wiki, and return to present to the group. For technologies with a range of different types (eg solar PV or wave power), find examples of different varieties and compare and contrast them FRIDAY- We’ll be balancing the energy mix!