Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment ALEDco – PFC Industrial Distributor AlIentown, PA BelloZon for Paper Mill White Water Hydro Dynamics & Sealed Air
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment CDVa
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Application History Hydro Dynamics of Shillington Pa, incorporated over 20 years ago. A regional chem vendor, provides the chemistry and expertise, with the goal of increasing productivity and lowering costs at client plants. Two areas of concern in the pulp and paper industry are cost per ton and efficiency.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Application History Target Client - Sealed Air of Reading, PA Leading global innovator/manufacturer of protective packaging and performance-based materials for many consumer and industrial markets. Products: - Foamed plastic packaging and shipping materials. - High brightness newsprint and offset paper.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Application History January 2007 ALEDco and ProMinent met with Hydro Dynamics. Interest in Bello Zon® chlorine dioxide generator with opportunity in the paper mill white water and broke system. A total of 35 pulpers in the plant. Total volume of white water coming off the paper machines approximately 1.8 million GPD. CDVa generator selected.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Problem/Opportunity The contamination within the process system was extreme, over 100M colonies/plate count. Severe reduction in paper machine runnability, production, and product quality. Disinfection of the process water system a major issue. The CDVa600 Bello Zon® selected provides 32 lbs/day chlorine dioxide.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment ProMinent Solution In June of 2007, the Bello Zon® installed and offered on a 60 day trial basis. Owner’s expectations surpassed prior to end of trial period. The generator is being operated at 30% of capacity, or 1/8 lb/ton of production. Cost of chemical program comparable to previous chemical vendor. Plate counts with ClO2 typically at 40M colonies/plate. Paper machine running cleaner, less deposit buildup. Cleanliness reflected in increased productivity/reduced machine down time.