Formalizing and extending the use of the observation room Dylan Evans Mathew Jones Carys Richards
Main Objectives To develop the use of the observation room To strengthen the link between the academic provision (the philosophy) and the practice To extend the students’ skills for reflection and professional discussion with experienced staff To target QTS standards that require refining To act in response to Donaldson a Furlong’s recommendations
Timetable SeptemberOctoberNovemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly BEd/PGCE Micro Lessons BEd3 The Foundation Phase PGCE Key Stage 2 Team reflection – the way ahead
Observe & reflect Adult roles The use of the environment Encouraging independence Early literacy Communication skills Team collaboration
KS2 Digital skills On 20 June 2015, Huw Lewis said: “After considering Professor Donaldson’s report, alongside the findings of the independent review of ICT, and early findings of our Great Debate, I have decided that an effective and consistent approach to teaching digital learning competence is too vital for both our young people and our economy to delay.” The Ar Garlam Professional Learning Community responds to the minister’s statement in order to help pupils and staff of all ages to extend and develop their digital skills.
ICT Project Pupils in all schools to have access to Hwb+, placing individual files to store work. Ensure that all pupils have Text, Image, Audio and Video evidence. Year 5/6 pupils to follow Welsh Heroes sub-theme Use of various ICT software and hardware to present information in the form of text, images, audio and video within ibook author Pupils to store the information in their individual files within Hwb+ Year 3/4 pupils to follow the Sports sub-theme Use of various ICT software and hardware to present information in the form of text, images, audio and video within J2E5 Pupils to store the information in their individual files within Hwb+ Year 1/2 pupils to follow the Food sub-theme Use of various ICT software and hardware to present information in the form of text, images, audio and video within J2E5 Pupils to store the information in their individual files within Hwb +
The cutting edge DonaldsonFurlong The Ar Garlam remit for developing lifelong digital learners :- To lead, promote and support the use of digital technologies and resources by learners and teachers, and to create and develop a national digital collection for learning and teaching. To ensure substantial difference is made to teachers’ digital competencies and skills, and the way that they apply these to learning and teaching procedures, by prioritizing training and sharing good practice. To aim that learners and teachers have the freedom to use rich learning and teaching materials from anywhere, at anytime and from any device. To ensure that a culture of digital citizenship is encouraged and developed by learners and teachers. As well as key digital skills, this will help learners to develop the competencies and the values to use digital technologies responsibly, ethically and safely, fostering an understanding of the safety issues and legal issues involved with the ‘digital space’.
The skills