PEAK FOR THE WEEK COMMENCING 5 th February 2012 (WEEK 6) All demographics experienced a PUT decline again this week with AP down 8%, AP down 6%, followed by AP 25-54, down 4%. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights this week experienced PUT growth with Saturday night recording a 7% lift against AP 5+. Source: Nielsen TAM. TVNZ & Mediaworks against AP 18-54, SKY against AP 18-49, TV3 includes TV3 and TV3+1. C4/FOUR against AP 18-49
TV ONE HIGHLIGHTS AP TV ONE experienced both audience and share declines this week (to 6.3 ratings and 19% share). Year on year, both audience & share losses were reported although share is inline with 2010 levels. Year to date, TV ONE’s average audience is sitting at 7.5, compared to 9.0 in Two shows are in the top 10 programmes this week. The week’s best buy was Sunday’s Packed to the Rafters with a CPT of $ Source: Nielsen TAM OVERNIGHT: Top Programmes for AP Two and a Half MenTV Broke GirlsTV219.9 The Big Bang TheoryTV218.4 Two and a Half Men (R)TV215.2 Shortland StreetTV213.2 Once Upon A TimeTV211.5 AvatarTV3*10.5 Frozen PlanetTV ONE10.2 The Graham Norton ShowTV3*9.9 Stephen Fry's 100 Greatest GadgetsTV ONE9.8
TV2 HIGHLIGHTS AP TV2 had a great week with audiences up 9% (to 8.4 ratings) and share up 15% (to 30.5%), the highest recorded since week 26 in Yearly, audiences have experienced a loss with share a 2% gain. Tuesday night experienced the highest weekly lift of 55%, a result of 2011’s last 4 episodes of Two and a Half Men airing before the new series commencing Wednesday. TV2’s average audiences are sitting at 7.3 compared to 8.5 last year. 9 of the top 10 programmes were on TV2 this week. The week’s best buy was Wednesday’s Two and a Half Men with a CPT of $ Source: Nielsen TAM OVERNIGHT: Top Programmes for AP Two and a Half MenTV Broke GirlsTV218.7 Two and a Half Men (R)TV216.0 The Big Bang TheoryTV216.0 Shortland StreetTV214.4 Once Upon A TimeTV211.6 Cougar Town (R)TV210.3 Police Ten 7TV210.2 Highway PatrolTV29.8 The Graham Norton ShowTV3*9.3
For Week 6, Page Impressions are up 15% year on year with Unique Browsers up 27% for the same week last year. Year to Date, Page impressions on have grown by 13% year on year, with Unique Browsers growing 24% on a yearly basis. Source: Netratings: Site Census. Weekly Report is Monday to Sunday inclusive. Please note Page Impressions were impacted w/c 24/10/10 due to the launch of the new homepage PERFORMANCE Top Sections National News Sport Entertainment News World News Business
TVNZ Ondemand weekly Stream Views increased by 45% compared to the same week last year. Year to date, TVNZ Ondemand Stream Views are sitting 32% ahead of last year. Two and a Half Men remains the Top Episode stream for the week. TVNZ Ondemand PERFORMANCE Source: Netratings: Site Census. Stream Views. Please note that a small number of News Streams are included. Weekly Report is Monday to Sunday inclusive. Note: Week were impacted by reporting issues. Top 10 Streams Two and A Half Men - Ep 1 Packed to the Rafters – Ep 5 Once Upon a Time - Ep 1 Shortland Street – Tuesday Episode Shortland Street – Friday Episode Shortland Street –Monday Episode Shortland Street – Wednesday Episode Shortland Street – Thursday Episode Winners & Losers – Ep 14 Offspring – Ep 3