Montgomery Intermediate Curriculum Night Team Adam Morris & Heather Brimberry October 5, 2015 Coming together as one. The future begins here!
E-mail address is: Website is Conference times: Tuesday & Friday 8:30 – 10:00 Monday and Friday 8:30 – 9:15 Wednesday 9:15 – 10:00 I am available for tutoring before school at 7:45 Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! A typical day in class: Silent Reading Grammar/Editing Skill and Journal Lesson/Activity We are very busy each day! Please help your child with organization and keeping his/her binder neat and clean. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! Silent Reading Students read for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes almost every day. I will begin conferencing with students about their independent reading. Self-selected books (Interest trumps all!) Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! Caesar’s English Caesar’s English is a district wide vocabulary program that starts in 4th grade. It is a combination of words and stems, and we are teaching words from Book I and stems from Book II this year. It is cumulative, so please do not throw any flashcards, papers, etc. away. By the end of the year, 5th graders will learn 100 words and stems. Students will be given 5 words or stems each week, usually on Monday for a quiz on Friday. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
How to practice Caesar’s English Make flashcards and hold them up for your child Practice on Make practice tests Play memory game Most of all, find what works for your child. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! Skills We teach all 5th grade Language Arts and Social Studies TEKS. We will read a variety of texts including: poems, plays, fiction, nonfiction, novels, and short stories. We will also respond to what we read in the form of writing and classroom discussion. Our scope and sequence can be found by going to the Curriculum & Instruction page on the District Website. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! AR AR (Accelerated Reader) is encouraged at MIS. Students read self-selected book and take AR tests on them to earn points. There are rewards for students as they reach different point levels Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Language Arts Our grading scale: Major 50% Daily 40% Other 10% - Journal We will use a variety of resources to teach your student all the skills that they need to be successful this year. This includes but is not limited to novels, textbook, and magazines. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Social Studies Grading Policy All grades in Social Studies weigh the same. However tests and projects will be counted twice, unless otherwise noted. We will use a variety of resources to teach your student all the skills that they need to be successful this year. This includes but is not limited to novels, magazines, websites, and research. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
School Late Work Policy If for some reason students are unable to turn in an assignment when it is due the following will apply: Students will have 10 points taken off per day that it is late. If a student is absent due to being sick they have the number of days absent +1 to complete their work. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! School Retest Policy Students who receive a 69 or lower on a major test grade will be allowed to retest or complete test corrections. Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! Behavior Policy Verbal Correction Conduct Card Parent Contact Write up Asst. Principal or Principal Coming together as one. The future begins here!
Coming together as one. The future begins here! Planner Your child’s planner is an important part of 5th grade. Their planner page is located in the sleeve on the outside of the back of their binder. On Monday, students will be informed of the weekly homework assignment. This should be Please encourage your child to read at home. Coming together as one. The future begins here!