MAKING THE MOST OF EDTPA John Scheevel Winona State University Graduate – Spring 2015
Goals What is the edTPA? Strategies to succeed for each section of the edTPA Strategies to minimize stress
What is edTPA? “edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom.” What does this mean?
Key Documents Making Good Choices Handbook Rubrics Task Overview Evidence Chart UNDERSTANDING RUBRIC LEVEL PROGRESSIONS
Getting Started It may feel like a hoop, but… Read everything before starting! Then read it again! The sooner you do this the better off you’ll be Take advantage of the glossary to help with understanding what they are asking of you Make a checklist/calendar and get organized This is also all covered in “Making Good Choices”
Task 1 - Planning Use your resources for ideas Cooperating teacher, professors, classmates, Twitter, internet Build on each lesson Teach the whole child – all 3 domains Get to know your students and your school Pre-assessment to determine knowledge on subject
Task 2 - Instruction Work to establish routines/procedures and good classroom management right away in your classes Work to make relationships and connections with students Teach the whole child – all 3 domains Instructional cues – break down the skill (may be different for different students) Feedback When instructing feedback should be specific and purposeful
Task 3 - Assessment Make sure you are aligning your assessment to your central focus and objectives DATA!! Teach the whole child – all 3 domains Strengths and needs (think PLAFP for DAPE) Language function – take time with this
Minimizing Stress Plan ahead! Talk with cooperating teacher about which unit you want to do it for Find resources for that unit ASAP and start planning what you want to do Little chunks everyday Don’t procrastinate! Find your study place Someplace free from distractions where you can work wells
Minimizing Stress (pt. 2) Take care of health (physical, mental, emational) Workout/run/whatever you need Take breaks and do something fun Don’t lose connections with family/friends Keep it in perspective You are on the way to being able to do what you love for the rest of your life!
Other Important Notes Make sure every student turns in their signed permission slip! Make sure to back everything up multiple places! Make sure you have a good camera and microphone! *TEACH THE WHOLE CHILD*
Student Teaching Get to know your students, cooperating teacher, other teachers, and administrators Pick everyone’s brain all the time – Why did you do that? Take advantage of being a student Observe other teachers Mock interview & administrator observation Get involved at the school Athletics, fun nights, Always professional in everything you do Take care of yourself
First Year Teaching – About My Position Faribault Middle School 6-8 PE (6 classes that I see every other day) DAPE (2 classes that I see every day) 10 th Grade Boys Basketball Coach 1 to 1 iPads Team teaching
First Year Teaching - Ethnicity
First Year Teaching – Home Language
First Year Teaching - ELL
First Year Teaching – Challenges / Successes Challenges Student Demographics & Needs New environment – New school, new faces, new processes New content you may have never taught before Administrative responsibilities – PAPERWORK Practice this in student teaching!! Working with new individuals Successes Relationships with the kids! Most important thing!!!! Technology – You’re a step ahead Fresh perspectives on what they’re doing at your school
Q/A Student Teaching MTLE’s Interviewing First year teaching Anything else you can think of…