Action for Justice South African Case Studies
O Africa’s most developed economy O Indigenous peoples, colonized by Dutch and British O Varied environment O Densely populated urban areas O Multiracial O High unemployment, AIDS epidemic O Significant mineral resources
Varied Geography
Apartheid O Instituted in 1948 by Afrikaner-led government O Country-wide policy of segregation O Education O Black SAs forced into “homelands” and “townships” O Employment O Voting rights
Race During Apartheid O Black/African – 78% O White – 10% O Colored/Mixed – 8.7 % O Indian – 2.5%
Education During Apartheid O 1953 Bantu Education Act O Created separate and unequal education system for black students O Designed to reinforce black labor in white- run economy O Poor resources (funding, teacher-student ratios) O 1/10 funding of white, 56:1 ratio O Negative portrayal of African people
Bantu Education Continued Minister of Native Affairs, H.F. Verwoerd: “There is no place for [the Bantu] in the European community above the level of certain forms of labour... What is the use of teaching the Bantu child mathematics when it cannot use it in practice? That is quite absurd. Education must train people in accordance with their opportunities in life, according to the sphere in which they live."
Bantu Education Continued Also from Verwoerd: “There is no space for him [the "Native"] in the European Community above certain forms of labor. For this reason it is of no avail for him to receive training which has its aim in the absorption of the European Community, where he cannot be absorbed. Until now he has been subjected to a school system which drew him away from his community and misled him by showing him the greener pastures of European Society where he is not allowed to graze.” (quoted in Kallaway, 92)
Land and Resources O 1950 Group Areas Act O Assigned different racial groups to different sections in urban areas O Excluded non-Whites from living in the most developed areas O Results: commutes, pass laws, townships
Apartheid Legislation ation