Facts about Water A child dies every 15 seconds as a result of no/contaminated water An average of 5 hours is spent every day collecting water – average distance walked is 5 miles in rural Africa The average water container weighs 40lbs Task falls to women and girls (who have to miss school)
A simple solution………
Roundabout Water Solutions S.African charity 2,000 Playpumps installed in S.Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Malawi
About the pumps Tank holds 2500 litres – enough for several hundred people Water is pumped at 1400 litres per hour Advertising on tank stand pays for maintenance Borehole sunk to depths of metres
Progress to date: £974,000 raised so far…only another £24k to reach £1M Enough for 127 wells All donations go straight to S.Africa – the small amount needed for administration is paid for out of Gift Aid repayments