1 Barrel TE close-out review Marc Weber
2 My experience with the TE was only good! I found a great team at RAL, UCL, Geneva, Santa Cruz RAL: Peter F, Tony J, Andy L. and N., and a few more I got to see England, since we travelled quite a bit We were so late that everyone became very interested in us (even outside ATLAS) It was never boring since we had to solve a few problems on our way I learnt a lot about thermal calculations; elastic moduli; materials; electrical connections And there was a happy end!
3 Let’s recall a few highlights (starting from September 2004 when I joint officially) September 2004: Final design review at CERN we were not quite ready but the design was very solid and we got through Tendering schedule: 17/Nov/04: Tender submitted; 8/Dec/04: Final date for bids; 11/Dec/04: Company selection; 15/March/04: Delivery of Thermal Enclosure (to UCL) Work with CTS … the series of problems… Delivery to CERN Four barrel assembly Insertion into the TRT
4 Where there any problems? Cannot get proper size of aluminium foil for ITE 3 pieces, need more electrical connections start of conductive nickel epoxy story Nanopore aerogels work better at home than in precision engineering Don’t get proper size of aluminium sheet for OTE lap joint story Oh yes, there is A380, and we did not get the proper carbon-fibre material derogation case with CERN TIS How to make all the other electrical connections ? at times the TE enclosure waist line seemed too large
6 Why were we successful? The basic design was excellent! We had a good mix of people and worked together very well We lived on the critical path were forced to apply good judgement and leadership making the right decisions in time is a good thing! We worked hard to make it happen!
7 What should we have done differently? Because it was not only about thermal issues ! It was as much about gas tightness and pressure Or about electrical grounding and shielding! The beast got the wrong name !
8 My recommendation for the SLHC tracker TE 1.Do you really need it ? 2.Don’t try to cool actively, it is just too clever 3.Get a little more space for it! It will be so much easier! 4.Give it the proper name and get mechanical and electrical people on board early 5.Listen to Andy, who will give the next talk
9 Thank you so much!
10 No more cables please