LegumeCHOICE tool test Kenya Team: Ingrid/Maurice/Thomas/Eric/I rene.


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Presentation transcript:

LegumeCHOICE tool test Kenya Team: Ingrid/Maurice/Thomas/Eric/I rene






Functions 7

Cropping systems 8

interventions FoodFeedIncome Erosion control FuelSoil fertilitytotal Common bean Grain legume seasonal Groundnuts Grain legume seasonal Soybean Grain legume seasonal Pigeon pea Grain legume perennial Mucuna Herbaceous legume seasonal Lablab cv xx Herbaceous legume seasonal Desmodium Herbaceous legume perennial Calliandra Tree legume coppicing Sesbania Tree legume non-coppicing Context scores

LandLabourCapital Inputs and services Knowledge and skillsWaterMarketsTotal Com mon bean Grain legume seasonal Grou ndnu ts Grain legume seasonal Soyb ean Grain legume seasonal Pige on pea Grain legume perennial Muc una Herbaceous legume seasonal Labl ab cv xx Herbaceous legume seasonal Des modi um Herbaceous legume perennial Calli andr a Tree legume coppicing Sesb ania Tree legume non-coppicing

Interventions from LGCTool Pigeon pea-15 Lablab cv xx-14 Ground nuts-13 Soya beans-13 Calliandra-13 Sesbania-13 Common bean-11 Pigeon pea-15 Lablab cv xx-14 Ground nuts-13 Soya beans-13 Calliandra-13 Sesbania-13 Common bean-11 11

Possible Interventions_ Kenya 1.Climbing beans: Has many potential niches Needs limited space Require good precipitation Income Food Sensitization on utilization and disease management Perceived challenge: Stakes Can be combined with Gliricidia to provide stakes 12 Nyaribari Chache

2. Calliandra for boosting milk and poultry production 3. Gliricidia can be used to fatten goats and cows and soil fertility Kitutu Chache  Similar interventions to Nyaribari Chache  Climbing beans, Calliandra and gliricidia  Surplus milk sold to be KCC Sotik  Sesbania can also provide stakes/perceived competition with banana for stakes  Management of stakes necessary to contain pests/wood preservatives 13

Rongo Commercial intensification is necessary: Crop/fodder system Calliandra for improved milk production, seed production, fuel Calliandra to be grown as hedgerows along food crops, contours to prevent erosion and for fencing Residue and nutrient management in groundnuts: next season PhD student to prioritize soil sampling to inform on SR15 season Understand current cropping systems in Rongo especially for groundnuts this season and think about management Interactions with farmers/markets and institutions/MSc student to inquire about soya beans, green grams and others 14

Suna West  Diversification of income  Improve soil fertility  Inquire about Soya processing plant for the possibility of growing soya beans  For improving soil fertility and erosion control: Gliricidia, Leucaena trichandra (firewood)  Cropping system: Rotations with cash crops, improved fallows –with Tephrosia and Sesbania sesban 15

Comments Include a methodology on how the intervention was arrived at Options should be reduced/few Details on trial plots/narrow down the broad concepts to specific activities Draft activity plan for each country FGD applying FGD tool; next week. The prototype tool will have more options_-later Generose: we can then go and narrow down on interventions after the FGD-not necessarily narrow down but focus and show how things are connected We are relying on the IITA for the protocol to kick start activities 16

Action Plan_Kenya  Decide on specific activities- 4/2/2015  Budget for inputs/buy/assemble inputs- 11/2/2015  Implement trials- mid Feb/early March  FGD 2: Mid March  Finalization of baseline and farm characterization surveys: End March  Analyze yield data for SR14: End march  Soil sampling by PhD student  Contribute/review on proposals for MSc and PhD students 17