Peer Visits Tools for sharing best practices Becky Ames GOH In-House Coordinator, Champaign County
Getting started What is a best practice? –Demonstrate evidence of success –Affects something important and contributes to the organizations mission and goals –Have the ability to be replicated or adapted in other settings Benefits of sharing best practices –Raise quality of practice and donation rates –Avoids duplication of effort “re-inventing the wheel” –Save time and money through increased productivity and efficiency
Suggested topics for review Hospital atmosphere regarding donation –GOH Presence & collaboration on referrals –Overall environment / buy-in –Donor Family support Staff Donation Champions –Hospital CEO –Nursing Directors / Unit Managers –Staff roles in donation process
Suggested topics cont’d… Case review / debriefing –M&M reviews –After action reviews Life Team Committees –Starting committee –Mission –Staff needed to be involved –Hospital liason to serve as internal champion
Suggested topics cont’d… Organ Referrals –Early referral opportunities ◦ER referrals prior to transfer to ICU ◦Development of hospital specific triggers ◦Charge RN involvement in identifying referrals –PCC (Patient care conferences) ◦Staff involved ◦Documentation –Requesting ◦Collaboration of hospital / GOH ◦RN, MD, Pastoral care, SW involvement ◦Protocols for approach
Suggested topics cont’d… DCD Process –Timing –OR ◦Staff involved ◦APN’s / RN’s declaring and initiating comfort care meds EMR –Tracking referrals /documentation –Automated processes / pop-ups –Donor management reports / HIM
Suggested topics cont’d… Coroner Involvement / relationship –Collaboration to release on organ referrals –Utilizing a forensic pathologist to evaluate organs during recovery –Process for notification of death –Involvement in committees / case debriefings –Pathologist involved with hospital and GOH to help determine if a patient can be released –Transporting patients after autopsy for tissue recovery
Suggested topics cont’d… Tissue donation –Hospital or GOH requesting processes –PDSA’s / process improvements –Increasing donation activity
Documenting best practices Write a description of the best practice: –Title and description –Context –Tools & techniques used –Resources –Lessons learned –Links to resources
Next Steps Contact your hospital development coordinator to help evaluate what areas you are interested in pursuing for a peer visit. Identify best practices in your hospital and discuss them with your HD Coordinator. Go, Do, Learn
Becky Ames, In-House Coordinator Gift of Hope Phone: (217)