HALF YEAR EXPENDITURE REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee; 09 November 2011
Contents Appropriated funds and the effected adjustments. Details of the adjustments. Expenditure performance per programme (half year). Expenditure performance per economic classification. Budget allocation/distribution. Half year expenditure comparisons.
Appropriated budget and adjustments ItemOriginal BudgetAdjustmentsAdjusted budget R’000 Administration192,116 4,285196,401 Research, Development and Innovation 854,610 (700)853,910 International Cooperation and Resources 137,194 - Human Capital and Knowledge Systems 1,950,427 - Socio Economic Partnerships 1,270,271 (1,200)1,269,071 TOTAL BUDGET4,404,6182,3854,407,003
Details of the adjustments 4 Programme Name Reason for adjustmentsAmount R’ AdministrationThis programme received an additional R2,4 million for salaries to cover inflationary adjustments; there was R1.2 million virement from Prog5 to cover Ministerial participation projects and R700 thousand for NACI Nat’l Biotech Advisory Committee from Prog2. R4,3m 2. Research, Development and Innovation This programme has released R700 thousand for NACI Nat’l Biotech Advisory Committee. (R700K)
Details of the adjustments cont. 5 ProgrammeReason for adjustmentsAmount R’ International Cooperation and Resources There was no movements that affected the original budget in this programme Human Capital and Knowledge Systems There was no movements that affected the original budget in this programme Socio Economic Partnerships This programme has released R1.2 million for the Ministerial participation projects. (R1,2m)
Exp performance per programme 6 ItemOriginal Budget AdjustmentsAdjusted budget Actual expAvailable budget Percentage spending R’000 R'000 Administration192,116 4, ,40187,223109,17845% Research, Development and Innovation 854,610 (700) 853,910493, ,883 58% International Cooperation and Resources 137, ,059 69,135 50% Human Capital and Knowledge Systems 1,950, ,186, ,393 61% Socio Economic Partnerships 1,270,271 (1,200) 1,269,071653, ,345 51% TOTAL BUDGET4,404,6182,3854,407,0032,488,0691,918,93456%
Exp performance per economic classification ItemOriginal Budget AdjustmentsAdjusted budget Actual expAvailable budget Percentage spending R’000 R'000 Compensation of employees 225,2512,385227,63698,955128,68144% Goods and services 144,462-6,795137,66757,77479,89340% Transfers4,031,6476,7954,038,4422,328,4511,709,99158% Payment for capital assets 3,258- 2, % TOTAL BUDGET4,404,6182,3854,407,0032,488,0691,918,93456%
Budget allocation/distribution
Half year comparison 2010/11 and 2011/12 Programme Adjusted budget R'000 Actual Exp R'000 Actual exp as % of budget Adjusted Budget R'000 Actual Exp R'000 Actual exp as % of budget 2010/ /12 Administration 185,683 81,26544% 196,401 87,22344% Researd, Development and Innovation 826,848 70,3639% 853, ,02758% International Cooperation and Resources 135,978 60,42244% 137,194 68,05950% Human Capital and Knowledge Systems 1,763, ,18849% 1,950,427 1,186,03461% Socio Economic Partnerships 1,215, ,32651% 1,269, ,72652% TOTAL 4,127,983 1,684,56441% 4,407,003 2,488,06956%
Non-financial performance information 10
11 DST Programmes Socio- Economic Partnership Corporate Services & Gov Research Development & Innovation International Cooperation & Resources Human Capital & Knowledge Systems White Paper on S&T, National Research & Development Strategy, Ten-Year Innovation Plan
Research Development Innovation (1) To facilitate knowledge generation and exploitation through research and development in key priority areas, namely: space science, bio-economy and energy. 12
13 RDI Outputs (2) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Number of undergraduate and postgraduate students funded in space, bioscience, and energy related research supported: -South Africa Nuclear Human Assets and Research Programme (SANHARP), 82 undergrads, 3 Honours, 20 Masters, 4 PhD -Hydrogen for South Africa (HySA): Masters 60, PhD 22 and Post Doc 4 Awaiting the finalization of the SKA calls for applications Partly achieved MeerKAT antennae and infrastructure layout and construction jobs created Roads, electrical reticulation and MeerKAT construction site camp contracts awarded by 31 March 2012 Request for proposals of bulk-water supply, sewage reticulation and airstrip have been sent out Selection process is underway. Partly achieved
14 RDI Outputs (3) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to date Reason for variance Status Number of new research chairs and Center of Competence (CoCs) supported in space, bioscience and energy related research 5 research chairs supported R 5 million for Research Chairs disbursed to the NRF Achieved South African National Space Agency(SANSA ) fully operational SANSA foundational operating phase finalized by 31 March 2012 The Satellite Applications Centre and the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory have been fully integrated into SANSA. Achieved
15 RDI Outputs (4) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for varianceStatus National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) fully operational NIPMO interim operational phase completed by 31 March 2012 NIPMO is incorporating inputs from the National Treasury's Technical advisors unit to further develop the Business case to ensure its readiness for approval. Business case of NIPMO is still under review. Partly achieved Number of new Offices of Technology Transfer (OTTs) established 4 OTTs established/recap italised by 31 March 2012 Proposals sourced for the establishment/ capacitation for OTTs to be established. 5 proposals received for the capacitation for the requirements of the OTTs. Selection processes underway. Partly achieved Number of candidates trained in intellectual property rights (IP) and technology transfer specialized skills 4040 researchers and research managers trained in IP management through IP Wise initiative Achieved
16 To develop, promote and manage international relationships, opportunities and science and technology agreements that strengthen the NSI. International Cooperation Resource-ICR (1)
17 ICR Outputs (2) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Amount of foreign STI funds R285 m foreign STI funds leveraged by 31 March 2012 R54,446 m foreign STI funds leveraged On trackPartly achieved Amount of South African and foreign funds spent on science and technology-based socio-economic development in Africa R45 m South African and foreign funds spent on science and technology- based socio- economic development in Africa by 31 March 2012 R16,325 m South African and foreign funds spent On trackPartly achieved
18 ICR Outputs (3) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Number of foreign participants in global knowledge and STI networks foreign participants in global knowledge and STI networks by 31 March foreign participantsOn trackPartly achieved Number of South African Students participating in international corporative STI research projects 730 Number of South African Students participating in international corporative STI research projects by 31 March South African Students participated On trackPartly achieved
19 To provide leadership in the creation of an innovative and competitive society with highly skilled human capital, cutting- edge knowledge and research infrastructure Human Capital and Knowledge Systems- (1)
20 HC&KS Outputs (2) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for varianceStatus Number of postgraduate research students supported Honours, Master’s and PhD students supported by 31 March Honours/B. Tech, Master’s and PhD students supported Some bursary awards are still pending Partly achieved Number of teaching and training platforms established 1 nanoscience teaching platform established by 31 December 2011 The DST established the platform for teaching and training, which is a masters programme in nanotechnology. 4 institutions (UJ, UFS, UWC, and NMU submitted applications of accreditation of the programme to the CHE Awaiting for the approval from Council of Higher Education (CHE) Partly achieved Total number of researchers supported researchers supported by 31 March researchers supportedSome research grants are still pending Partly achieved
21 HC&KS Outputs (3) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status A legislation for the protection and preservation of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) Approved Cabinet Memo by Minister by 31 March 2012 First draft finalized by the internal DST Committee Submission in preparation for EXCO approval by end of year. Partly achieved Number of provinces with functional NRS in place A pilot National IKS Management System (NIKMAS) and IKSDC function in two provinces (KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo) by 31 March 2012 IKSDC at university of Zululand functioning. 3 others (University of kwaZulu-Natal, Vuwami Science Centre at university of Venda and Moruleng Traditional authority established but not yet linked to NIKMAS. Partly achieved
22 HC&KS Outputs (4) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Number of people reached through DST funded initiatives people participating in science awareness, engagement programmes and through DST funded initiatives by 31 March people participated in NSW Partly achieved Number of research equipment grants awarded 50 research equipment grants awarded by 31 March science centres awarded development grant. Partly achieved
23 To enhance growth and development priorities of government through targeted science and technology interventions and development of strategic partnerships with other government departments, industry, research institutions and communities. Socio-Economic Partnerships-SEP (1)
24 SEP Outputs (2) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Number of new job opportunities created 400 additional job opportunities created by 31 March job opportunities created Achieved Number of Master’s and PhD students funded or co-funded in designated niche areas annually 200 students funded for research degrees by 31 March students funded for research degrees. ACCESS is finalising its research and education programmes Partly achieved Number of high- level research graduates funded or co-funded (Master’s and PhD students) supported in niche areas annually 136 (cumulative) Master’s and PhD students supported in designated niche areas by 31 March Master’s and PhD students currently supported Achieved
25 SEP Outputs (3) Indicators2011/12 Strategic Plan Target Actual progress to dateReason for variance Status Number of small and medium- enterprises receiving technology support through the Technology Stations Programme 1753 small and medium- enterprises receiving technology support through the Technology Stations Programme by 31 March small and medium- enterprises receiving technology support through Technology Stations Programme by 30 September 2011 Partly achieved Number of companies provided with Technology Assistance Packages (TAPs) 24 companies provided with TAPs by 31 March companies provided with TAPs Achieved
26 Conclusion MTSF, NRDS and TYIP inform our work. Performance satisfactory but can still be improved. Human capital development, knowledge generation and exploitation, infrastructure and Africa collaboration will remain key focus areas. Monitoring and Evaluation System is being put in place.