“You shall have no other gods before me.” The First Commandment “You shall have no other gods before me.”
Human obligation Fundamental human obligation To acknowledge the existence of God and to worship Him God’s relationship to humanity not a “solitary” god God is intimate and active in the lives of His people the name Jesus means “God saves”
Theological virtues -- faith Belief in all the truths that God has revealed, even though they cannot be proven, because they come from God Who is truth itself. Fundamental attitudes to faith Receive God’s revelations with humility Intellectually cultivate faith by attempting to understand its content more clearly.
Duties toward faith Safeguarding the faith Communicating the faith Sins against the virtue of faith Voluntary doubt Involuntary doubt Atheism Heresy Apostasy Schism
Theological virtue -- hope Trusting in God’s promises and relying not on our strength but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit Sins against hope Presumption – expecting salvation without personal effort Despair – ceasing to hope for salvation
Theological virtue -- love Love God above all things for God’s own sake and our neighbors for the love of God. Christian love has three objects” God Neighbor Self
Sins against charity Indifference Ingratitude Lukewarmness Acedia Hatred of God
Virtue of Religion Regulates the relationship between God and mankind Acts belonging to the virtue of religion Adoration Atonement Petition Thanksgiving Fundamentally accomplished through prayer and especially in the sacrifice of the Mass
Sins against the virtue of religion Idolatry—elevation of other realities to the state of gods Superstition --any belief or practice that renders false worship to God or attributes supernatural or magical powers to objects or actions Divination – prediction of the future by so-called paranormal means Sacrilege – abuse of the sacraments, persons, places, or things consecrated to God
Sins against the virtue of religion Magic (sorcery)– desire to control the occult forces that supposedly influence the world. Irreligion Tempting God Simony
Idolatry Worship of gods or goddesses other than Yahweh Old testament Polytheism – worship of many gods (pantheon) Monotheism – worship of one god Jesus expanded the concept of idolatry (“You cannot worship god and mammon”)