Our Land and God’s Kingdom
I. Members of Christ A. God calls each member of today’s Church to join in the work of the Church. * We can do this through: 1. Ministry
2. Parish Community: the Catholic Church guides the parish through the leadership of the Pope and Bishops of each diocese. * we are all servants of God, we all proclaim God’s holy name and help bring about His kingdom, no matter if we belong to the, clergy, religious order, or laity.
B. Titles of the Church 1. We call the Church “Mother”, because it teaches us about the faith and spreads and protects the truth God has revealed. 2. Another name is, “Bride of Christ,” because of Christ’s sacrifice and love for the Church.
II. The First Leaders of Israel * the Israelites first lived in twelve different tribes that were governed by judges. Eventually, they formed one country, under one king.
A. Judges * helped Israelites stay faithful to the covenant. * were leaders gifted with good judgment.
1. Deborah
a. she helped the Israelites conquer a Canaanite ruler. * lead to peace for 40 years.
2. Samuel
* especially wise judge * was taught by Eli * he was a leader and a prophet of the Lord.
3. Ruth - leaves her own family, to take care of her mother-in-law. - she became the great- grandmother of King David. - She placed the needs of others before her own.
4. Samson - was blessed by God with great strength. - he was not to cut or shave his hair, as long as he kept his vows with God, God would continue to make him strong.
-Delilah, Samson’s love, had another man shave Samson’s hair for money. - Samson was defeated.
B. Kings
1. Saul - appointed King by Samuel
- Saul: bravely fought Israel’s enemies and delivered Israel from its invaders, but Saul disobeyed the Lord.
C. Kingdoms on Earth
1. Sometimes the Israelites in the Promise Land, failed to keep their covenant with God, but Samuel and the judges helped to keep them on the right path.
2. Just as God gave the Israelites the Promise Land, God promises us that we will share in His heavenly kingdom.
3. Just like the Israelites in Canaan, we experience sin and suffering in our world.
- the Church keeps us on the right path, the path to Jesus.
* God’s kingdom is present in the community of the Church because we make God’s kingdom known to the world when we spread goodness and joy by serving others.
4. Church’s Mission
- We are called by God to carry out the Church’s mission and to give witness to the kingdom through ministry. *exs. - Care for the sick - Teach about Christ - Help with liturgy - pray for others - or work for your parish
* other examples include: -serving as religious brothers or sisters, as clergy, or laity.
D. The keys to the Kingdom
1. Jesus established the Church to help the kingdom of God grow on Earth. - It is the beginning of God’s kingdom on Earth.
2. The apostle Peter took on the role of leader. - His name means “Rock.”
3. The true kingdom will not come until Christ comes again and God triumphs over evil forever. - in the meantime the Catholic Church welcomes and brings together people of all lands, languages, backgrounds, and races.
* In this way the Church is a sign and cause of God’s communion with all humanity.
4. The Church is a symbol of the unity of the whole human race. * that is why we say the Church is Catholic or Universal.
5. The Church is: - one united in faith, worship, and authority. - holy in communion with God. - apostolic, following the traditions and teachings of the Apostles.
6. Jesus gave the apostle, Peter a special authority over the Church that continues with the Pope today.