Faith Illustrated Daniel 3
Introduction Sometimes we forget that the people in the Bible were just like us –Men and women who faced temptations and trials of their faith –Some who overcame and some who failed In Hebrews, many of those who by faith triumphed are mentioned in chapter 11 –Then in Heb 12:1-3, we are encouraged to stand firm as they did –We’ll look at one such story
A story of faith Dan 3:1-7 –Nebuchadnezzar puts up a huge statue –90’ tall by 9’ wide and covered in gold Can you see the man? Imagine it in the sun –Important people at dedication –Worship of it is commanded Failure means death by burning What would you do? Fear of death, fear of peers Matt 10:28-39
A story of faith Dan 3:8-18 –3 men refuse to bow down –Nebuchadnezzar offers them a 2 nd chance –They say there is no need, they will not bow down
A story of faith They had confidence in God –God is able to deliver them from the furnace They don’t know God’s plan God may allow them to die, if so, they were prepared to die –God will deliver us from your hand Whether they lived or died, the king would have no more power over them –So whether they lived or died, they would not disobey God Do we have such firm convictions? –Luke 9:23-26; Heb 11:32-40
A story of faith Dan 3:19-23 –A faith stated is useless unless it is demonstrated with action (Jms 2:14, 17-18) –Furnace heated 7x hotter Tied up fully clothed (better burning) The fire killed the men who carried them to the furnace (backdraft?) The 3 fell into the furnace still bound –God could have kept them out of the furnace But God allows faith to be tested (1 Pet 1:6-9)
A story of faith Dan 3:24-30 –The king is astonished 3 were thrown in, 4 are seen They were bound, but they are walking free The 4 th seems to be more than human And it’s a fire, and they aren’t burning! –At the king’s request, the 3 come out They are not burnt Their hair is not singed Their clothes don’t even smell like smoke!
A story of faith Only the Most High God could so deliver –Difference seen even by the king –These 3 were right to trust God –God was right to overrule the king’s decree The same Lord is on our side –Heb 13:5-6 –Rom 8:35-39 –Do we have faith like they had faith?
Conclusion Jesus said we must confess Him before men (Matt 10:32-33) –Not a one-time only event –Each and every day we either confess Him or we deny Him as we face our temptations and trials –Which will it be for us? –If we have faith, we can stand firm