Pakistan Asia Science Educator Academy (ASEA) 2010 ACTION PLAN
Dr. Syed Azhar Hasan Director General Pakistan Museum of Natural History Islamabad, Pakistan Qaiser Rashid Deputy Secretary, Planning / Budgets & Accounts, School Education Department, Ministry of Education, Punjab Introducing Pakistan Delegates / Speakers
3 Overview of Education in Pakistan Educational oversighti) Federal Ministry of Education ii) Provincial Education Departments iii) District Governments National Education Budget ( ) 2% of GDP Medium of InstructionUrdu and English Regional LanguagesPunjabi. Sindhi, Pushto & Balochi Literacy (2009) overall Men Women 57 % 64 % 36 %
4 Educational Statistics Gender-wise Position TotalPublic SectorPrivate Sector No. of K-12 Institutions0.227 million0.166 million (73.2%)0.061 million (26.8%) No. of K-12 Enrollment38.03 million25.48 million (67%)12.54 million (33%) No. of K-12 Teachers1.39 million0.778 million (56%)0.611 million (44%) TotalMaleFemale No. of K-12 Enrollment38.03 million21.29 million (56%)16.74 million (44%) No. of K-12 Teachers1.39 million0.679 million (48.8%)0.711 million (51.1%) Source;MoE
5 STEM Education Challenges Prioritization for STEM. Standardization of curriculum. Lack of Teacher Training in Science & Mathematics.. Weak infrastructure of schools/labs. Shortage of standardized equipments Capacity of implementers. Monitoring/Evaluation.
High level Goals Long term thru comprehensive Reforms agenda: oQuality oAccess oGovernance Short Term: oUpgradation of Schools infrastructure oRe-vamping of Secondary School Science Labs oIntegration of IT Labs with Science Labs oTraining of Science /Maths teachers oProvision of free Text Books(I-X) oQuality Assessment System (Maths/Science) oMerit based recruitment of teachers oProvision of stipends to Girls students oSubsidization in fee for low cost private schools oDaanish School System & Centers of Excellence Schools
7 Action Plan ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Devise National Curricula as per International standards In processFederal/Provincial Governments 2012 Training of Science Maths Teachers teachers annually Directorate of Staff Development/Prov incial Government-Intel Pakistan In process Provision of infrastructure in public schools In processProvincial Departments In process
8 Action Plan Contd from pre page ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible? Deadline ? Standardization of equipments for Science Labs All Science labs equipped Department of Education- GTZ in Punjab 2010 Capacity building of District/tehsil level school managers and Schools Councils 400 mangers trained & certified from GCU School Councils trained Department of Education in Punjab-WB 2011 Monitoring & evaluation of reform initiatives Enhancement in NER Reduction in Dropout Retention upto secondary Education Gender parity Department of Education in Punjab-WB 2012