M Tech Project – First Stage Improving Branch-And-Price Algorithms For Solving 1D Cutting Stock Problem Soumitra Pal [ ]
Agenda Cutting stock problem & formulation Generic Branch-and-price algorithm Implementation by Vance [1994], etc Work in next stage Conclusion
Cutting stock problem Bigger rolls (raw) available Orders of smaller rolls are to be cut (items) Minimize no of raws used
IP formulation λ j denotes the no of rolls cut in pattern j a ij denote no of times item i is cut from pattern j b i is order for item i
Solution using branch-and-price Branch-and-bound technique of IP The bound is calculated using LP relaxation solved by column generation
Generic branch-and-price algorithm Generate Initial heuristic. Set it as incumbent. Make root node of BB tree and enter into Q Unexamined node exists in Q? Undiscovered? Calculate LB (column generation) Set the node as discovered LB = some feasible sol X and X< incumbent? Update incumbent to X LB >= incumbent? Branch (i.e. make two nodes and make them undiscovered and unexamined and enter in Q) Fathom (do nothing) Set the node as examined Stop; incumbent is the solution Y N N N N Y Y Y
Column Generation in brief Take few initial feasible columns Solve the restricted master problem Use the dual solution of the master problem as the profit for the knapsack problem to get new better column Continue as far as better columns can be found
BAP implementation variations Initial heuristic solution Branching rule Node selection rule Bounds
Branching rules Excludes fractional solution Guarantees feasible solution after a finite number of steps Must encode branching info in subproblem Creates trees of ~ equal size Keeps master & subproblem tractable
Conventional branching Excludes fractional solution Finite no of steps since finite no of variables Encoding of branch info is explained next λ p = α λ p ≤ floor(α) λ p ≥ ceil(α)
Subproblem modification On the right branch, it is equivalent to reducing the demand vector & solve the residual No need to modify the subproblem On the left branch, the column should not be regenerated This is done by keeping forbidden list in subproblem
Problem in conventional branching Solution space is not equally divided on both the branches Here, solution space is equivalent to all possible columns On the right branch, no of possible new columns is reduced Left branch reduces only one column Subproblem may become difficult
Branching for BCS (demand=1) Branching rule by Vance [1994]
Branching in BCS (2) Left branch should include both items l and m together This can be solved by replacing the two items by one item of combined width On the right branch, at most one of them should get included This is solved by including edge constraints in the subproblem The subspaces are of ~ equal size
Solving the subproblem When no edge constraint, solve using Horowitz-Sahni algorithm When no overlapping edge constraints, solve using modified HS using Jhonson-Padberg bounds When overlapping edge constraints, use general IP solver
Horowitz-Sahni algorithm Backtracking with bounds Items ordered in decreasing profit density (profit/weight) In forward move, try inserting one item Bound If U>current best, move forward Otherwise backtrack (remove last inserted item) & repeat Update current best when last item is considered Stop when no more backtracking is possible
Jhonson-Padberg algorithm Solves Knapsack Problem with SOS SOS is a set of variables, at most one can be set to 1
Jhonson-Padberg algorithm (2) Order SOSs according to max p/w If w 1 ≥W, set corresponding x 1 =W/w 1 and all other x i =0 Otherwise, RECORD x i for the item with minimum weight Remove from S 1, all items having profit less than w i ; update remaining items in S 1, p j - =p i, w j -=w i and W-=w i Repeat If multiple items in same SOSs is RECORDED, set variables as shown in the example
JP algorithm Example
Modified HS Use SOS ordering In forward move at most one from each SOS can be inserted Bound is calculated using JP In backtrack, other item in the same SOS is considered next
Branching for general CSP Branch on a set of variables Need to explore more
Bounding Bounding can be used to avoid tailing-off effect When the following condition is satisfied, column generation can be stopped
Initial heuristic solution First Fit Decreasing (FFD) Items in decreasing size is fit in existing roll If can not be fit, use a new roll
Work in next stage Complete literature survey Vance [1998] Vanderbeck [1999] Degraeve and Peeters [2003] Carvalho [1999] Comparative study of them Different set of experimental instances Time quoted are on different machines Need to gather absolute numbers such as no of nodes, no of sub-problems etc
Knapsack with forbidden list A dynamic programming algorithm KPFL(I,W,S) := max{KPFL(I-1,W,S), KPFL(I-1,W-w I,S uinon I)} O(n x W x 2 n x L) Need to improve that Core algorithms
Conclusion We explored solution of 1D CSP using branch-and-price Need to improve the solution to subproblem for overall improvement Dynamic programming etc to solve subproblem instead of using IP solvers