Total Enrollment Actual ▪ 4,399 (10/01/10) Projections ▪ 4,399 High K/High Migration ▪ 4,394 Middle K/High Migration ▪ 4,352 Middle K/Low Migration ▪ 4,352 Low K/Low Migration
Kindergarten Actual ▪ 363 (10/01/10) Projections ▪ 365 Low and Middle Assumptions ▪ 370 High Assumption
Community characteristics Distribution of students by grade Resident births Education choice decisions Housing: type and increase by type
Austin Public Schools’ enrollment growth in the past four years is atypical in Minnesota White, not Hispanic, enrollment declined while minority, especially Hispanic, enrollment increased Minority students are now 31% of the student body District residents are less likely to chose other education options than students statewide
Austin Public Schools’ capture rate of district residents rose over the past ten years, which is also atypical in Minnesota Resident births in Mower County and Austin City increased dramatically, which is a good indicator of future enrollment growth The current grade distribution by grade predicts enrollment growth Austin Public Schools are projected to grow
Enrollment is projected to increase from 4,373 to 4,739 ( ) to 4,967 ( ) based on the lowest projection Minority students will continue to be a large share of the student body and may account for nearly 40% of all students in five years The net in migration of the past year may be an anomaly When used in projections, the projections are high
K-12 enrollment is 161 students higher than in Prior to enrollment declined was first year of all day kindergarten Past four years, enrollment up 160 students or 3.8%
YearK-12 Enrollment , , , , , , , , , , ,399
CHANGE Change NumberPercent Total4,2124, % White3,6662, % Minority5461, % Percent Minority13.0%31.4%
Natural increase Fall kindergarten class is larger than the previous year’s Grade 12 Natural increase often results in enrollment growth Net migration tends to be negative Past year a big exception
COMPONENTS OF CHANGE Fall to FallTotal Natural Increase/DecreaseNet Migration 2000 to to to to to * to to to to
Nonpublic school enrollment decreased Nonpublic schools enroll: 8.1% of the district’s school age population 8.7% in Minnesota Home schools enroll: 1.4% of the district’s school age population 1.7% in Minnesota
Open enrollment in (128) 2.0% of Austin Public School enrollment ( ) Open enrollment out (153) 3.0% of Austin’s school age population ( ) 4.9% of Minnesota students opt for open enrollment
Charter schools (0) None of Austin’s school age population 3.6% of Minnesota students
District’s school age population increasing to ▪ 192 or 4.2% Austin Public Schools’ capture rate 87.2% in 85.8% in
Predictor of enrollment change Kindergarten up in the past four years ▪ with all day kindergarten, kindergarten was 384 students. Since then, ranged from 356 to 376 Grade 12 largest in (361 students) followed by (325 students) Elementary grades (K through 5) larger than current high school grades ▪ Predicts enrollment increase
Grade K Total 4,2124,0994,0814,0214,0694,2134,2124,2234,2574,373
Trends where confidence is high Aging Decrease in the school age population per household Shift in size of key adult age groups, which will affect demand for housing Low fertility Enrollment cycles
Unknowns Duration of the collapse of the housing market and tight credit ▪ Affects mobility ▪ Housing supply Economic recovery ▪ Affects immigration
Two methods Cohort survival ▪ Kindergarten (births as proxy) ▪ Migration (survival rates) Housing unit ▪ Housing units ▪ School age child per dwelling unit ratio ▪ Public school capture rate
YearMinnesotaMower CountyAustin City , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
What is it? Adjusting births to required age to enroll in kindergarten Births reported by calendar year Must be 5 as of September 1 enroll in kindergarten ▪ About one-third born six years earlier and two-thirds born five years earlier
Birth YearsPoolPercentageKindergarten 1994; % ; % ; % ; % ; % ; %* ; % ; % ; % ; % ; ; ; ,
Projected Births YearLowHigh
NET MIGRATION FALL TO FALL 00 to 0101 to 0202 to 0303 to 0404 to 0505 to 0606 to 0707 to 0808 to 09 K Total
Change in net flow Kindergarten to Grade 1 until all day kindergarten; now a small net flow out Net inflow from Grade 5 to Grade 6 Grade 8 to Grade 9 Net outflow from Grade 10 to Grade 11 Grade 11 to Grade 12
Two assumptions Low is the average of survival rates of the past four years High is the average of survival rates of the past two years
Grade Survival Rates LowHigh K to to to to to to to to to to to to
Year Low K Low Mig Middle K Low Mig Middle K High Mig High K High Mig , ,352 4,3944, ,405 4,4704, ,481 4,5714, ,614 4,7184, ,7394,7454,8704, ,8234,8404,9935, ,8984,9315,1105, ,9515,0025,2105, ,9615,0345,2585, ,9675,0675,3115,360
K Total , ,3244, Low K/Low M2,2921,1851,2624,739 Middle K/Low M2,2981,1851,2624,745 Middle K/High M2,3711,2181,2814,870 High K/High M2,3941,2181,2814, Low K/Low M2,2271,2451,4954,967 Middle K/Low M2,3271,2451,4955,067 Middle K/High M2,4041,3211,5875,311 High K/High M2,4311,3371,5925,360
Change in age of adults ▪ Population in household formation years (20-34 yrs) increases less than from ▪ Decrease in population in the “move up” housing years (35-54 yrs) ▪ Usually have children in the household ▪ Prefer single-family detached units ▪ Huge increase in population 65+ years
MINNESOTA Age yrs995,6211,148,0801,155,370152,4597, yrs1,489,8781,567,5801,520,86077,702-46, yrs404,869631,090788,290226,221157, yrs594,266677,270947,52083,004270,250 Sum3,484,6344,024,0204,412,040539,386388,020
Dwelling unit type affects the school age child per household ratio Only single-family detached units have a high yield of school age children New dwelling units yield more students than older units As existing units turnover (sold), the school age child per household goes down, except for the very newest units Value of units affects school age child ratio
540 additional households by Increase school age child per household 0.41 in 2008 0.44 in 0.45 in Increase public school capture rate 87.2% in 88% in and
HOUSING UNIT METHOD ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS Assumptions Residents AUSTIN District Nonresidents Total EnrollmentHouseholds TotalAPS ( % 5,2104, ,71511, ( % 5,4634, ,93712,140
Residents Attending APSNonresidents Total EnrollmentHouseholds Housing Unit ( % 4, ,71511,840 Cohort Low K/Low Mig4, ,73911,905 Middle K/Low Mig4, ,74511,918 Middle K/High Mig4, ,87012,241 High K/High Mig4, ,89412,305
Residents Attending APSNonresidents Total EnrollmentHouseholds Housing Unit ( % 4, ,93712,140 Cohort Low K/Low Mig4, ,96712,216 Middle K/Low Mig4, ,06712,467 Middle K/High Mig5, ,31113,084 High K/High Mig5, ,36013,207