1. Essential Question How can reading, thinking, writing listening, and expressing help me envision, describe and create a green, sustainable life?
Focusing Questions: What do I visualize as sustainable or not sustainable at 217? How would I describe a green, sustainable life?
10 minutes Envision Visualization Sustain Sustainability
Visualization 5 minutes Visualization Exercise a. Close your eyes. b. Clear your mind, focus on the middle of your forehead, picture a 3 rd eye. c. Focus your mind on your third eye. d. See the words green and sustainable float by. e. Let images of the school campus arise in your mind. Part of the building, a tree, a garden, the garbage, artwork around the building, the cafeteria after lunch. Whatever you see. If you don’t see images, clear your mind again and focus on your third eye. f. Select one image that you identify as green or not green. g. Focus on that image. Step closer and notice details of the image. h. Keep noticing details. Step closer and in your mind’s eye, touch what you’re seeing. Make a mental note to yourself of what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, or touching. i. Open your eyes and write down a few notes to yourself.
Thumbs up, thumbs down Did you visualize something sustainable at 217?
Thumbs up, thumbs down Did you visualize what is not sustainable?
5. Think, Pair, Blog: 15 minutes TO Blog at Select one or two questions: – What does a sustainable world mean to me? – Describe your vision of a sustainable, green life. – Does it matter whether or not you live sustainably? – Should we take time in school to explore sustainability? – REFLECTION on Essential Question: How can reading, thinking, writing, listening, and expressing help me envision, understand and create a green world?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Sustainability impacts on and is affected by society, economics, and the environment.
Sources “A Green Vision, Vision of a Greener World. Justice League figure: Vocabulary Clip Art: Green Thinker. 08_TR95DG7_v25.1f260b3.html Garden. pollinator%20garden.jpg Garbage at School. greenschools greenschools Sustainable Development.