JSP Server Integrated with Oracle8i Project2, CMSC691X Summer02 Ching-li Peng Ying Zhang
Outline Introduction Servlet and JSP Oracle and JDBC Project Goal Installation of JSP server Installation of Oracle8i
Servlet Read explicit data sent by client (form data) Read implicit data sent by client (request headers) Generate the results Send the explicit data back to client (HTML) Send the implicit data to client (status codes and response headers)
JSP Java Server Pages (JSPs) Use regular HTML for most of the page Mark dynamic content with special tags Welcome to Our Store Welcome to Our Store Welcome, To access your account settings, click here. Regular HTML for rest of on-line store’s Web page
Oracle Client/Server Large databases Support concurrent accesses from a large number of users High transaction processing performance High availability Openness, industry standards Manageable security Distributed system
JDBC Java Database Connectivity A standard or open application programming interface (API) for accessing a database from JAVA programs. Allow Java to run and process SQL Select, Update, Insert, Delete, and … Oracle JDBC Thin driver Use Java socket to connect directly to Oracle Provide its own implementation of a TCP/IP version of Oracle’s Net8
Project Goal Install Linux: Redhat7.2 JSP server: Tomcat3.3 Database: Oracle8i (8.1.7) Write a test servlet Retrieve the data from database and show the result on client’s browser
JSP Server: Tomcat Installation Download Tomcat3.3 Unzip it Make sure the path includes the JDK bin directory. Update the CLASSPATH to include install_dir\lib\servlet.jar install_dir\lib\jasper.jar Problems NONE! What we learned TOMCAT is great!
Oracle8i Pre-Installation Create group dba and oinstall Create user oracle and add it to these two groups Make sure jdk1.1.8_v3 is installed under /usr/local Create installation directory, /u01, with ownership of oracle Login in as oracle and modify the.bash_profile file under its home directory(/home/oracle)
Oracle8i (Cont.) Installation Download oracle8.1.7 and unzip it Run the universal installer, runinstaller.sh Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the installation of Oracle Enterprise Edition Problems The installation files are actually buggy Oracle9i requires large memory and disk space What we learned Installing Oracle8i on Redhat7.2 is reasonably tough
Test Servlet Function Establish network connection to Oracle via JDBC driver Retrieve all the records of table Employ in Oracle Show the retrieved data from Oracle in a HTML table in user’s browser