2002 Turkey Disability Survey
Purpose of Disability Survey The aim of this survey is to collect data on Number of disabled people, The proportion of disability, The type of disability(orthopedical, seeing, hearing, speaking and mental disability), The cause of disability,
Purpose of Disability Survey (Continued) The socio-economic characteristics of disabled population, The family and social life status of disabled population, The problems of disabled population in their working lives and daily lives, Their expectations from institutions
Purpose of Disability Survey (Continued) The another aim of the survey is to collect data on population having chronic illnesses.
The Time of Survey Turkey Disability Survey was carried out in December 2002.
Institutions This survey was carried out by The State Institute of Statistics in cooperation with The Precidency of Administration on Disabled People.
Coverage of Disability Survey 2002 Disability survey was based on sampling methods. The sample unit of survey was household. Disability survey was applied in household in whole country. The results of survey was evaluated on the basis of 7 geographical regions and urban-rural areas.
Application of Disability Survey Disability survey was conducted with face to face interview with sampled households. For this survey, it was prepared two separate questionnaires which was Hausehold questionnaire and Disabled person questionnaire. Hausehold questionnaire was applied to all individuals in households. Disabled person questionnaire was applied to orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled people.
Household Qestionnaire With household questionnaire it was obtained all individuals’ socio-economic characteristics. However, it was determined individuals having chronic illnesses and orthopedical, seeing, hearing, speaking and mental disability. If a person has any disability (orthopedical, seeing, hearing, speaking and mental), it was applied the disabled person questionnaire, Otherwise, the interview was ended for this person.
Disabled Person Questionnaire With disabled person questionnaire it was obtained information on all disabled individuals determined in household questionnaire. In the first part, it was obtained information on disabled individuals characteristics, their expectations from Institutions. In the second part, it was obtained detailed information on disabled persons for each type of disability.
Disabled Person Questionnaire (continued) In each type of disability section; it was obtained detailed information on disabled people. These are; - The first appearance time of disability, - Age of being disability, - The cause of disability, - The type/degree of disability, - The status of being treated, - The status of using apparatus, - Problems affecting their daily lives
Survey Results According to the results of survey, the proportion of disabled people including the chronic illnesses was % in This proportion was 9.70 % for population having chronic illnesses and 2.58 % for other disabled people having orthopedical, seeing, hearing, speaking, and mental disability.
1. The proportion of disability by sex (%) Total Disabled population Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Total Male Female
2. The proportion of disability by urban-rural (%) Total Disabled population Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Total Urban Rural
3. The proportion of disability by age group (%) Age group Total Disabled population Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses
4. The literacy ratio of disabled population(%) (6 years of age and over) Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Turkey Urban Rural Male Female
5. Labor force participation rate of disabled population(%) (15 years of age and over) Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Turkey Urban Rural Male Female
6. Unemloyment rate of disabled population(%) (15 years of age and over) Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Turkey Urban Rural Male Female
7. The proportion of disabled population having social security (%) Orthopedically, seeing, hearing, speaking and mentally disabled population Population having chronic illnesses Turkey Urban Rural Male Female
8. The proportion of disabled population by type of disability(%) Orthopedical disability Seeing disability Hearing disability Speaking disability Mental disability Turkey Urban Rural Male Female
9. The proportion of disabled population by type of disability and the appearence time of disability (%) Type of disability CongenitalSubsequentUnknown Orhopedical disability Seeing disability Hearing disability Speaking disability Mental disability
10. The proportion of disabled population by type of disability and cause of congenital disability (%) Type of disability Genetic and hereditary deformity Birth trauma Do not know Other Orhopedical disability Seeing disability Hearing disability Mental disability
11. The proportion of disabled population by type of disability and cause of subsequent disability (%) Type of disability AccidentIlnessesOther Orhopedical disability Seeing disability Hearing disability Speaking disability Mental disability
12. The proportion of disabled population by expectations from institutions (%) Financial support Helping to find jobOther Total Urban Rural Male Female