1 EIC Update R. D. McKeown Presentation to JSA Science Council January 7, 2011 (Thanks to R. Ent, A. Hutton, H. Montgomery, others)
Electron Ion Collider 2 NSAC 2007 Long-Range Plan: “An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with polarized beams has been embraced by the U.S. nuclear science community as embodying the vision for reaching the next QCD frontier. EIC would provide unique capabilities for the study of QCD well beyond those available at existing facilities worldwide and complementary to those planned for the next generation of accelerators in Europe and Asia.” EIC “collaboration” – Milner & Deshpande contact persons, involves BNL and Jlab communities JLAB and BNL are both developing “staged” designs EICAC advisory comm. → Mont & Vigdor(BNL AD)
EIC Physics Overview 3 12 GeV Hadrons in QCD are relativistic many-body systems, with a fluctuating number of elementary quark/gluon constituents and a very rich structure of the wave function. With 12 GeV we study mostly the valence quark component, which can be described with methods of nuclear physics (fixed number of particles). With an (M)EIC we enter the region where the many-body nature of hadrons, coupling to vacuum excitations, etc., become manifest and the theoretical methods are those of quantum field theory. An EIC aims to study the sea quarks, gluons, and scale (Q 2 ) dependence. mEIC EIC
MEIC : Medium Energy EIC Three compact rings: 3 to 11 GeV electron Up to 12 GeV/c proton (warm) Up to 60 GeV/c proton (cold) low-energy IP polarimetry medium-energy IPs Note: conservative assumptions 6T dipole fields Synch. Power < 20 kW/m max < 2.5 km
Facilities embarking on long-term planning exercise, MEIC/ELIC is part of this. EIC Site Plan
6 BNL Design (2010) STAR ePHENIX 6 6 pass 2.5 GeV ERL Coherent e-cooler Beam-dump Polarized e-gun eRHIC detector RHIC: 325 GeV p or 130 GeV/u Au
Recent Events EICAC Report (Nov. 2009): - develop “unimpeachable” science case - Jlab concept less mature Jlab increases accelerator design effort to develop conservative “costable” MEIC design (2010) Jlab users organize workshops in spring 2010 EIC collaboration meeting at Catholic U. (July 2010) DOE-ONP awards accelerator R&D Accelerator division internal review of Jlab design 10 week program at Institute for Nuclear Theory – fall 2010 Vigdor proposes detector R&D (Next EICAC – April 2011)
8 JLAB EIC Workshops Nucleon spin and quark-gluon correlations: Transverse spin, quark and gluon orbital motion, semi-inclusive processes (Duke U., March 12-13, 2010 ) 3D mapping of the glue and sea quarks in the nucleon ( Rutgers U., March 14-15, 2010 ) 3D tomography of nuclei, quark/gluon propagation and the gluon/sea quark EMC effect (Argonne National Lab, April 7-9, 2010) Electroweak structure of the nucleon and tests of the Standard Model (College of W&M, May 17-18, 2010) EIC Detectors/Instrumentation (JLab, June 04-05, 2010) 4/5 will produce white paper for publication
9 General Emergent Theme Experimental study of multidimensional distribution functions that map out the quark/gluon properties of the nucleon, including: (quark) flavor spin and orbital angular momentum longitudinal momentum transverse momentum and position (Challenge to accelerator physics!)
MEIC & ELIC: Luminosity Vs. CM Energy e + p facilities e + A facilities For 1 km MEIC ring
solenoid electron FFQs 50 mrad 0 mrad ion dipole w/ detectors ions electrons IP ion FFQs 2+3 m 2 m Detect particles with angles below 0.5 o beyond ion FFQs and in arcs. detectors Detect particles with angles down to 0.5 o before ion FFQs. Need 1-2 Tm dipole. 4-5m Central detector EM Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter Muon Detector EM Calorimeter Solenoid yoke + Muon Detector TOF HTCC RICH RICH or DIRC/LTCC Tracking 2m 3m 2m Solenoid yoke + Hadronic Calorimeter Very-forward detector Large dipole 20 meter from IP (to correct the 50 mr ion horizontal crossing angle) allows for very-small angle detection (<0.3 o ) Full Full Acceptance Detector 7 meters
Internal MEIC Review (hosted by Andrew Hutton) MEIC design review on 09/15 & 09/16 by two excellent (friendly) reviewers: Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) & Alex Chao (SLAC) 1)Very good that manpower involved in EIC has been increased, that outside experts from ANL and SLAC have been attracted for consultation, and that CASA has focused on this accelerator during recent months. 2)Hardly any technical R&D topics have been shown on the first day. The RF for BNL’s coherent electron cooling was the only R&D topic mentioned. 3)The figure 8 ion ring design appears very flexible and a strong feature of the JLAB EIC. 4)The amount of effort appropriate to compete in a down selection with BNL in 2013 is on the order of at least 10 FTE per year. This is already apparent from the fact that the design and R&D has to compete with significantly more than 10 FTE preparing the BNL EIC design. 5)The collaborations with BNL on the RF of a coherent electron cooler, with ANL on low energy ion acceleration, and with Novosibirsk on ion polarization are very useful. Additional collaborations for spin manipulation, e.g. with the COSY accelerator, could be quite effective, particularly if the figure 8 design could be tested experimentally in the long run.
MEIC Accelerator R&D Funded by DOE NP Program: DOE Financial Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement LAB Research & Development for Next Generation Nuclear Physics Accelerator Facilities CASA proposal (submitted July 2010): Advanced Electron Ion Collider Design (PI: Geoffrey Krafft)(Funding request: $4,480k over three years) Award: total $900k for one year – $500k from FY2010 fund, available immediately (received Nov., 2010) – $400k from FY2011 fund, subjected to federal budget appropriation process Revised tasks that are consistent with the recommended funding level – Project 1. Collider Ring Designs – Project 2: Development of a Spin Manipulation and Stabilization System CASA plan for using this grant – Support three new postdoctoral fellows in CASA for MEIC studies ($100k x 3) – Support collaborations ($150k first year, $100k second year) (IR design: M. Sullivan, SLAC; Polarized beam: D. Barber, DESY, A. Kondratenko, Russia; RF system, B. Rimmer, JLab) – Support graduate students (TBD) Other awards for MEIC Accelerator R&D – Argonne National Lab, $270k, for MEIC ion linac & small booster design (PI: P. Ostroumov) – Northern Illinois Univ., $75k, for MEIC electron cooling studies (PI: B. Erdelyi)
14 weekdatestopics 113–17 Sept Workshop on "Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD at Collider Energies" 220–24 Sept open conceptual issues: factorization and universality, spin and flavor structure, distributions and correlations 3–527 Sept –15 Oct small x, saturation, diffraction, nuclear effects; connections to p+A and A+A physics; fragmentation/hadronization in vacuum and in medium 6–718–29 Oct parton densities (unpolarized and polarized), fragmentation functions, electroweak physics 8–91–12 Nov longitudinal and transverse nucleon structure; spin and orbital effects (GPDs, TMDs, and all that) 1015–19 Nov Workshop on "The Science Case for an EIC" 2010 INT Workshop Organizers: Daniel Boer KVI, University of Groningen Markus Diehl DESY Richard Milner MIT Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory Werner Vogelsang University of Tübingen
EIC Realization Imagined Activity Name Gev Upgrade FRIB EIC Physics Case NSAC LRP EIC CD0 EIC Machine Design/R&D EIC CD1/Downsel EIC CD2/CD3 EIC Construction Note: 12 GeV LRP recommendation in 2002 – CD3 in 2008
Some Impressions from INT “Golden Topics” (my term) - Discover the collective effects of gluons in nuclei - Map the spin and spatial structure of quarks and gluons in nucleons possible golden expt.: low x g 1 (x) → g(x) “Silver Topic” Understand the emergence of hadronic matter from quarks and gluons Electroweak topic still embryonic Much HW to do
A Final Word We are on a good path to put the EIC forward at the next NSAC Long Range Plan We still need additional work, building on the discussions at the INT program, to produce a much more compelling physics justification We need to sharpen the arguments for a more general audience How could we expand the community of interested physicists? We need to continue to work together to advance the physics case for this exciting new facility
Producing an EIC Science White Paper to Make the Case for Mission Need Defining Down-Select Criteria and Mechanism for Facility Design Use INT Program, writeup as launching pad for White Paper putting flesh on above bones for non-expert audience Aim for 1 st draft in Fall 2011, in anticipation of possible LRP Town Meetings in Fall 2012 Suggest JLab, BNL, EICC appoint ~6-member balanced Steering Committee to establish milestones and (calculation/ simulation/writing) assignments, oversee White Paper preparation, focus and editing Define criteria and review mechanism (common reviewers for both designs) well in advance of LRP – ONP must be involved Need “apples-to-apples” comparisons of performance vs. cost vs. timeline for both 1 st stages and (roughly) later upgrades Both designs need to include defensible estimates of technical risk and risk mitigation strategies/costs for achieving goals IR designs, detector integration, background environments need to be included in evaluations S. Vigdor (BNL) INT workshop
S. Vigdor (BNL)
20 Meet in conjunction with DIS2011 in April Increase accelerator physics membership? Possible charge: “Provide guidance on focusing the scientific case and priorities for the EIC.” EICAC
Jlab Position Jlab accelerator team is working effectively to develop a novel design. They have increased effort over the last year and are on track to deliver a costed design in fall Jlab users are interested and engaged but are conflicted with 12 GeV commitments. Jlab scientific effort is small relative to BNL (also 12 GeV commitments) BNL has invested LDRD…