Controls & Monitoring Overview J. Leaver 03/06/2009
23/12/2015Imperial College 2 Outline Overview of MICE –Systems requiring control & monitoring Outline of C&M framework –EPICS
23/12/2015Imperial College 3 MICE Layout
23/12/2015Imperial College 4 Required C&M Systems: Beamline
23/12/2015Imperial College 5 Required C&M Systems: Beamline Target –Drive (PSU, extraction, temperature monitoring, etc.) –Controller (actuation enable, dip depth, timing, etc.) –Beam Loss (Sector 7/8, total, c.f. Target position) Beamline Magnets [Q1-Q9, D1-D2] (PSU) Pion Decay Solenoid (PSU, cryo)
23/12/2015Imperial College 6 Required C&M Systems: Instrumentation
23/12/2015Imperial College 7 Required C&M Systems: Instrumentation Fermilab Beam Profile Monitors (PMT, sensor temperature) Time of Flight System (PMT HV) Cherenkov System (PMT HV, temperature, humidity) Diffuser (motor control, disc position) Tracker –Spectrometer Solenoid (PSU, cryo) –Magnetic Field Probes (B-field, sensor temperature) –AFEIIts (readout configuration & control, temperature monitoring) –AFEIIt Infrastructure (PSU, cryo) Calorimeter System –KL Calorimeter (PMT HV) –Electron Muon Ranger (PMT HV)
23/12/2015Imperial College 8 Required C&M Systems: Cooling Channel
23/12/2015Imperial College 9 Required C&M Systems: Cooling Channel Hydrogen Absorbers –Focus Coils (PSU, cryo) –Hydrogen System (PSU, pumps, valves, vacuum, cryo) RF Cavities –Coupling Coils (PSU, cryo) –RF System (PSU, amplifiers, B-field probes, feedback)
23/12/2015Imperial College 10 Required C&M Systems: Auxiliary DATE Status –Run state of global DAQ system (armed, taking data, idle, error, etc.) Network Status –State of each PC on the DAQ & Control Networks (link up/down, correct ID, necessary services running)
23/12/2015Imperial College 11 Required C&M System Features Reliability –Need months/years of uninterrupted runtime No C&M = no experiment –Need effective help & support when problems occur Plus ability to resolve issues without waiting for vendor support (availability of source code) Scalability –Facility to add new systems to existing setup with minimal development overheads/performance impact
23/12/2015Imperial College 12 Required C&M System Features Ease of use –But extensible for arbitrarily complex custom systems Error reporting –Clear alarms when fault conditions occur Data archiving –Permanent & accessible record of all significant monitoring parameters
23/12/2015Imperial College 13 EPICS Collaboration –World wide collaboration sharing designs, software & expertise for implementing large-scale control systems Control System Architecture –Client/server model with efficient communication protocol (Channel Access) for passing data –Distributed real-time database of machine values Software Toolkit –Collection of software tools which can be integrated to provide a comprehensive & scalable control system
23/12/2015Imperial College 14 Why Use EPICS for MICE? Free Open Source software Mature packages –Stable, robust infrastructure Widely used in scientific laboratories & industry –Significant expertise available –Good support/documentation Collaboration members with prior EPICS experience (e.g. Fermilab → DØ) Many tools available for common C&M tasks –(Relatively) easy to develop new applications
23/12/2015Imperial College 15 EPICS Fundamentals Each control/status parameter represented by a ‘Process Variable’ (PV) –PV: Named piece of data (e.g. temperature) with a set of attributes (e.g. safe operating limits) Channel Access (CA) servers provide access to PVs CA clients read/write PVs to perform control & monitoring tasks Network-based, distributed system –PVs can be spread over multiple servers, accessed transparently over network Network Channel Access Client Control Application Monitoring Application Process Variables Channel Access Client Channel Access Server Process Variables
23/12/2015Imperial College 16 EPICS Servers EPICS servers typically connect to hardware –PVs often correspond directly to physical device states or control settings 2 types of server –Input/Output Controller (IOC) –Portable CA server –Approx. equal numbers of each type used in MICE IOC IOC Channel Access Server - Channel Access - Database - Device / Driver Support Network Hardware Portable Portable Channel Access Server - Channel Access Custom Code Hardware OR
23/12/2015Imperial College 17 EPICS Servers System configuration & hardware IO connections defined by PV record database Existing driver support for many devices & standard communication interfaces Server creation often a matter of database configuration rather than software development Runs on vxWorks/RTEMS boards, or PCs (Linux, Win, Mac, etc.) Suitable for most ‘standard’ hardware systems IOC IOC Channel Access Server - Channel Access - Database - Device / Driver Support Network Hardware Portable Channel Access Server - Channel Access Custom Code Hardware
23/12/2015Imperial College 18 EPICS Servers C++ library containing CA & PV framework Use with arbitrary hardware access code to produce fully custom servers MICE wrapper framework greatly simplifies creation of portable servers Runs on PCs (Linux, Win, Mac, etc.) Suitable for non-standard hardware & complex software architectures Network Portable Portable Channel Access Server - Channel Access Custom Code Hardware IOC Channel Access Server - Channel Access - Database - Device / Driver Support Hardware
23/12/2015Imperial College 19 EPICS Clients Clients provide (user) interface to C&M system –Abstracted from hardware → clients only need to access PVs Packages available to facilitate building control/monitoring displays –Extensible Display Manager (EDM), Motif Editor and Display Manager (MEDM), etc. –Interactive graphical environments enabling PVs to be attached to control/display widgets –No low-level programming required –~60% of MICE C&M systems use EDM
23/12/2015Imperial College 20 EPICS Clients Not limited to standard GUI builders - CA bindings exist for many languages/tools –C/C++, Java, Matlab, Perl, Python, LabVIEW, etc. –~30% of MICE C&M systems use custom C++ wrapper, with QT GUIs Well-established client tools provide core C&M functionality –Alarm Handler, Channel Archiver, etc. –Minimises required infrastructure development effort
23/12/2015Imperial College 21 C&M Systems Overview