CONCERTO Premium Policy & Social Research Andrea Immendoerfer Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

CONCERTO Premium Policy & Social Research Andrea Immendoerfer Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Brussels,

Aims and Objectives Policy recommendations for…. ■ Local Government/ Municipalities ■ National/ subnational government ■ The EU Legislators ■ EC Funding providers

Methodology We analyse… ■ Reports from CONCERTO Plus ■ Final report and specific reports on social and policy activities ■ Questionnaire survey ■ Interviews ■ Wider policy research / sources outside CONCERTO

Things We Look at… ■Building control/ building regulations ■Spatial planning/ development control ■Energy planning/ energy supply strategies ■Other policies and regulations ■“People factors” - Social research, user engagement ■Business models

■Barriers Things We Look at… ■Success factors

Policy Questionnaire

Social Indicators (from CONCERTO Plus) No.INDICATOR 1 Degree of satisfaction / acceptance by inhabitants / tenants / owners 2 Level of information & direct participation 3 Active/proactive householders behaviour 4 Internal comfort level after the implementation of CONCERTO measures

■ Capturing activities you do anyway (Generation 3 – please include standard indicator questions if you can) ■ Capturing results and contextual information you have anyway ■ Making these available in the database in suitable format Social Research


CONCERTO Premium Social Research – Summary of Activities

CONCERTO Premium Social Research – Statistical Data

CONCERTO Premium Social Research - indicators

■ Policy developments –Local planning by-laws –Changes to building regulations (France, Denmark) ■ Replication –Smart Cities –Continue original Concerto plans outside original timeframe –New regeneration/ urban extension projects ■ Pivotal Topics –Retrofitting –Skills and Awareness –Financing Areas of Interest & Initial Results