Promoting Regional Green Development BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’S BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’SPERSPECTIVE ASEAN-China Environmental Cooperation Forum Naning, China 22 October 2011
Sustainable Development Social Development Environmental Conservation And Protection Economic Development And Diversification
THE HEART OF BORNEO 58% of Brunei’s land area Conservation of tropical forest and biodiversity INITIATIVES : REGIONAL LEVEL
Potable water in accordance to WHO Standards Better Water Conservation Policy and Water Resource Management Resource Management High density development in urban areas Newly established Building Control Authority to control on development projects control on development projects POLICY AND PROGRAM INITIATIVES : NATIONAL LEVEL
Integrating Environmental Impact Assessment includes Environmental Management Plan to includes Environmental Management Plan to address environmental impacts address environmental impacts POLICY AND PROGRAM INITIATIVES : NATIONAL LEVEL Strengthening institutional framework and legal instrument on environment which includes EIA instrument on environment which includes EIA Order, the Pollution Control Order and the Order, the Pollution Control Order and the Hazardous Waste Management Order Hazardous Waste Management Order
Waste minimisation policy – recycling rate of 15% by recycling rate of 15% by 2015 and 20% by and 20% by 2020 Energy Efficiency Policy – 25% reduction by % reduction by 2030 based on 2005 energy based on 2005 energy intensity intensity A Solar Power Plant POLICY AND PROGRAM INITIATIVES : NATIONAL LEVEL
Green Products and Services Stakeholders Business Community Civil Society Success
Brunei Darussalam has mainstreamed and integrated green development into National Development Plan
CHALLENGES Public Awareness - Behavioural changes and education Lack of expertise, technical skills, practical experience Introduction of green technology and cleaner production Lack of regulatory framework and legislation (governance) Managing public / stakeholders expectation