The Victorian Bushfires 2009 By Emily Metcalfe
The Victorian Bush fires 2009, are a series of bushfires ignited over the state of Victoria, starting February 7. It has claimed nearly 200 lives and over 500 people were injured. The bushfires haven’t just stayed in one spot, they have travelled from the top of Victoria, (Beechworth) all the way down to Wilsons Prom.
The bush fires have struck, Gippsland Kinglake Healsville Wilsons prom Marysville St. Andrews Bendigo Beechworth Toolangi Yakandandah Churchill Dandenong ranges Horsham Narre Warran Wee Rite Colerain Bunyip Resdale Killmore Murrin Dindi And Unfortunately many more places around Victoria.
Fire Fighting More than 4,000 firefighters from the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), have worked to battle the fires. And now foreign firefighters are coming from over seas to help. The Department of Sustainability and Enviroment Logo Country Fire Authority Logo Sam the Koala
Thankyou for watching. And to all the people who have died, suffered or lost, we are all thinking of you. By Emily Metcalfe on behalf of Osborne Primary school xxx