Garlic and granola: Food webs and the catchment of farmer's markets from the food producers' perspective. Dr. Chris Ling Dr. Lenore Newman Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada
We need to understand the dynamic geography of our own species. (Terrell, 2006) food is a "liminal substance; it stands as a bridging substance between nature and culture, the human and the natural, the outside and the inside" (Lupton, 1996; 16-17)
Results (8 markets, summer 2009) There was an overall mean vendor travel distance of 65km Mean distance for largest market in East Vancouver, with 69 stalls, 110km maximum distance 545km. Mean distance for smallest market on Saltspring Island, with 8 stalls, 8.5km mean distance, maximum distance 15km.
Trout Lake Farmer’s Market: August 2009
Food Web for the Trout Lake (East Vancouver) Farmer’s Market: 69 vendors, 110 km mean road distance.
Prince George Farmer’s Market Food Web: 27 stalls, 26km average distance, max distance 204km.
Saltspring Island Farmer’s Market
Final Thoughts Average distance farm to market varies widely. Lack of farmland close to big cities a factor in BC market sustainability. Smallest market very local, but food diversity is lacking. Questionable whether the large number of markets is sustainable.
This research was funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.