NUS Presentation Title 2001 Student Exchange Programme (SEP) How to do Credit Transfer upon return from SEP?
NUS Presentation Title 2001 o Syllabuses of overseas module and mapped NUS module should be similar in terms of contents, contact hours and assessments. o ESP students are NOT ALLOWED to repeat foundation Year 1 and Year 2 modules while on SEP. o Module(s) read on SEP must be on graded basis and not on a pass/fail basis o Credit Transfer Rules Credit transfer rules (students admitted from AY2014/2015 onwards) Note : APC, exemptions, credit transfer are not considered as read in NUS Limit allowed for transfer (Students need to account for APCs, Exemptions or Credit transfer from other semester(s) when computing the limit) 50% of degree requirement must be done in NUS with assigned Letter-grades ‘A+’ to ‘D’, ‘CS’ grade or ‘S’-grade) i.e. 50% of 160MC = 80MC in NUS 80 MC 60% of major requirement must be completed in NUS i.e. 60% of 110MC = 66MC in NUS 44 MC MINOR (if any) : min 16MC of MINOR requirement must be read in NUS8 MC Credit transfer rules (students admitted from AY2013/2014 and BEFORE) Note : APC, exemptions, credit transfer are not considered as read in NUS Limit allowed for transfer (Students need to account for APCs, Exemptions or Credit transfer from other semester(s) when computing the limit) 50% of degree requirement must be done in NUS i.e. 50% of 160MC = 80MC in NUS 80 MC 65% of major requirement must be completed in NUS i.e. 65% of 120MC = 78MC in NUS 42 MC MINOR (if any) : min 16MC of MINOR requirement must be read in NUS8 MC
NUS Presentation Title How to do Credit Transfer upon return from SEP? Original Transcript from overseas University The overseas university will send the original academic transcript to either Registrar’s Office/Office of Undergraduate/ESP Office/Students directly. Students to follow up with partner university should you not receive the Transcript within 3 months upon return from SEP. Upon receiving the transcript, check that all modules intended for credit Transfer has a Passed grade as defined by the foreign university. Steps : 1.Complete the Credit Transfer from and submit to ESP Office (Ms Violet) together with the Original Transcript and a duplicate copy for record.
NUS Presentation Title 2001 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate contact: Name AddressTel NoRoom No A/Prof Anjam 2295E Ms Violet 3354EA End Updated as at